Today’s top trending topic is October 21. As in the next date for Harold Camping’s Rapture.
Camping ended three days of silence today to announce to the world October 21, 2011 is the date for the real Rapture.
Oops he did it again.
Camping, who first predicted the Rapture would occur in 1994 and then May 21, 2011 has apologized for having not worked out the date of the end of the world as accurately as he could have.
Don’t worry bro. No harm, no foul. Except for all the dullards who blew their life savings on you. And it seems like some of these sheep are starting to see Camping as the wolf he is.
Josh Occasion, the teleprompter guy for Camping’s radio and TV broadcasts, told the AP he was already skeptical of Camping and now he’s starting to think the guy is an all-around dick.
From the AP:
"I thought he would show some more human decency in admitting he made a mistake," he said Monday. "We didn't really see that."
Follower Jeff Hopkins said he spent a good deal of his own retirement savings on gas money to power his car so people would see its ominous lighted sign showcasing Camping's May 21 warning. As the appointed day drew nearer, Hopkins started making the 100-mile round trip from Long Island to New York City twice a day, spending at least $15 on gas each trip.
"I've been mocked and scoffed and cursed at and I've been through a lot with this lighted sign on top of my car," said Hopkins, 52, a former television producer who lives in Great River, NY. "I was doing what I've been instructed to do through the Bible, but now I've been stymied. It's like getting slapped in the face."
Family Radio would never tell anyone what they should do with their belongings, and those who had fewer would cope, Camping said.
"We're not in the business of financial advice," he said. "We're in the business of telling people there's someone who you can maybe talk to, maybe pray to, and that's God."
But he also said that he wouldn't give away all his possessions ahead of Oct 21.
"I still have to live in a house, I still have to drive a car," he said. "What would be the value of that? If it is Judgment Day why would I give it away?"
Well Harold Camping can preach his crazy all he wants but I’m starting to think his flock is all stocked up.
I know one thing for sure though. I’m looting this time and if no Christians disappear I’m going to Camping’s pad and looting all his stuff.
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