One thing I learned while covering Tech football is to watch what you wrote about Wes Welker or his friends. He tends to hold a grudge.
And the NFL owners have just climed their way to the top of his shit list.
At an event for kids in Oklahoma City Welker quipped that he was enjoying his time off from football and they should have a lockout every year.
It was clearly a joke but in this over-sensitive environment anything can and will be taken the wrong way (Reggie Bush anyone?).
One could have expected lunatic fans to take Welker’s joke out of context but what about intelligent, savvy owners? Well, they did too.
The NFL owners brought up Welker’s comment during court proceedings, probably to undermine how players are suffering being out of work and to show they don’t care about the game.
Let’s just say the sub six-foot wideout wasn’t too happy about it.
From ESPN.com
"I said that as a joke and yet they use it in the court of law," Welker said Friday on Boston radio station WAAF. "It was a little bit disappointing. It's kind of discouraging they would actually use that in the court of law, and you have to see it everywhere and things like that."
"Shoot, I guess the gloves are off, and they're going after everything," Welker said, laughing. "You have to really watch what you say, whether you're joking or not."
I’m usually not one to take up for Wes Welker. I usually just make snide remarks about him and hope he trips while he’s running but he’s clearly getting the shaft here. What he said was a damn joke and the NFL trying to use that to show players don’t care is an even bigger joke.
WW may have bouts of Napoleon syndrome but no one cares more about the game than him. In fact Wes and his butt buddy Tom Brady will probably be rounding up their Pats teammates for workouts soon.
Speaking of Brady, it looks like he’s enjoying his off time.

Nice job flapping your wrists there Tom. This guy is the face of the NFL, has one of the hottest wives in the world and yet he’s incapable of looking cool in a photo. Evidence below and at this site.

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