You know the one thing that I miss out on most by not having any of my favorite sports teams reside in my home state? The comradery between fellow fans. I’ve found a few Huskers out here in West Texas but not enough to form a true support system after losses.
Commiserating poor performances with fellow fans is what it’s really all about. It’s nice to have someone to cry with and have someone to share a beer with after a tough loss. But if you’re a Pirate fan that better not be discounted beer from the Stroll Inn bar in Pittsburgh.
The Stroll Inn just ended a beer promotion offering a nickel off pitchers every time the Pirates lost after being threatened with a boycott from two Pirates employees.
The promotion (which would be better if they knocked at least a quarter off) was meant to give fans a silver lining after tough losses. Stroll in, have a pitcher and shake off the funk of losing.
But Pirates employee Angela Criscella didn’t take it that way.
From WTAE Pittsburgh:
An email sent on May 12 by Pirates account executive Angela Criscella said, "An occasional joke and jab is expected here and there, but to create business by ripping on the home team is ridiculous and in my opinion distasteful." She urged bar patrons to "take your business away from the Stroll Inn and to other local restaurants instead."
Criscella has since backtracked and told WTAE she misunderstood the spirit of the promotion but I’m throwing the bullshit flag on that. She could have found out the true nature of the promotion if she would have just strolled in before writing the email.
It’s really just a case of sour grapes. I’m sure Criscella, an account executive with the Pirates is just upset she’s selling a product about as attractive in Pittsburgh as old Tommy Maddux jerseys.
But here’s hoping the Stroll Inn gets the Pirates lose promotion going again. It’s my second favorite Pittsburgh promotion since “Win a Date with Ben Roethlisberger” drawing at the women’s college.
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