It’s hard to imagine anyone greeting the news that Osama bin Laden had been killed by the U.S. military with anything but some mixture of jubilation, relief or pride in their country.
Enter Pittsburgh Steeler Rashard Mendenhall, who took to Twitter in recent days to criticize those rejoicing in bin Laden’s demise for celebrating death and to cast doubt on the idea that OBL was even responsible for 9/11.
Mendenhall kicked off his Twitter tour of dumbass with this gem:
"What kind of person celebrates death?" he Tweeted. "It's amazing how people can HATE a man they have never even heard speak. We've only heard one side...
That side we heard of course being the truth.
Mendenhall continued:
"We'll never know what really happened," Mendenhall tweeted. "I just have a hard time believing a plane could take a skyscraper down demolition style."
I’m not necessarily surprised that Mendenhall is a 9/11 conspiracist. These wackos come in all different shapes and forms. What does surprise me is that he chose to make such comments at a time that is so sensitive to those who lost family and friends in the 9/11 attacks on New York, Washington and in Shanksville, PA, which I might add is only 80 miles from where Mendenhall plays pro ball.
Something tells me that Mendenhall may not have a job with the Steelers for much longer, especially since his boss, Steeler owner Dan Rooney, is part of the Obama administration as Ambassador to Ireland.
Mendenhall isn’t the only pro athlete who spoke out against the killing of OBL. Milwaukee Bucks player Chris Douglas-Roberts also questioned the killing of the terrorist leader, but his contention (that the search for OBL was too costly on the American people) is far less inflammatory, though equally idiotic and ill-timed.
At least when Mendenhall gets cut he can celebrate getting his “freedom” back.
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