Surprisingly enough I’m actually starting to tire of Osama bin Laden news and the media must have realized I was feeling this way because they pulled me right back in with the revelation that bin laden had porn in his compound.
But I want more. What kind of porn was bin Laden into? I know Hitler was into some pretty weird sex and I have to imagine bin Laden wasn’t a whole lot different. A guy with multiple wives has to keep the juices flowing somehow. And if what bin Laden’s mistress says is true porn may just be the tip of the iceberg.
Osama’s mistress Kola Boof, who was with him from 1996 to 1998 told a reporter this week that the self-proclaimed religious zealot once wanted to have an orgy with “a French girl and a Jew¬ish stripper.”
I’m not alone in wanting to know about bin Laden’s porn stash either. Several porn stars, including Dave Cummings, a former Army Lieutenant Colonel.
Cummings told AOL News:
"Even though the porn might have been merely for masturbatory purposes, or possibly used to review for potentially tempting martyrs to fantasy about what 'virgins' might look like, it's a piece of the intel and just might provide insight and value into the mindset of the jihadist planners."
I’m not sure about all of that but I would like to know how many Ron Jeremy movies OBL had. Honestly the whole jihad thing may have mostly been about Ron Jeremy anyway. Seeing an overweight, American jew with a huge penis defile thousands of hot women probably drove bin Laden to the edge. It’s penis envy at its greatest.
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