Bottles of urine found in ice cream truck after DUI stop
LANGHORNE, Pa. — Suburban Philadelphia police say a DUI stop involving an ice cream truck led to the discovery of water bottles filled with urine, including one in the freezer where treats are kept.
Police say 46-year-old Yassir Hassan was visibly drunk when he was pulled over Friday in Middletown Township, Bucks County. When police searched the Trenton, N.J., man's truck, they say they found boxes of wine along with the bottles of urine.
Middletown Township Lt. John Michniewicz tells WPVI-TV a passing motorist called police after seeing the ice cream truck driving erratically.
Hassan faces a June 1 hearing on misdemeanor drunk-driving charges.
Is this al-Qaeda’s plan to get back at the U.S. for killing Osama bin Laden? Putting urine in our ice cream? They must be even more pathetic than we think.
Actually I think it’s pretty obvious what’s going on here. This guy is living in the ice cream truck and peeing in empty bottles so he doesn’t have to get out every time to pee. What I don’t understand is why he wouldn’t drink bottled wine and then just pee in the wine bottle. If you’re on a budget I’ve got to figure that would be more cost effective.
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