Olivia Munn might not be the top trending topic on the internet right now but I’m not sure why not. The ‘Daily Show’ reporter and actress on the short lived NBC show ‘Perfect Couples’ has been making a lot of headlines lately.
First came rumors last year that she hooked up with Justin Timberlake at an event for ‘The Social Network’ and that their relationship had rekindled after J-Tim’s breakup with Jessica Biel.
But a little infidelity is nothing for funny woman Munn who made all the blogs last week as she encouraged partiers at a corporate event at club Pure in Las Vegas to have random sex with strangers and share STDs.
Munn yelled to the club Pure crowd, "Who is going to have a random hookup tonight?" and continued “Let's have fun ... let's hook up ... and maybe share some STDs ... bye!!"
The excitable Munn must have had a few too many vodka cocktails because she raised eyebrows by accosting some patrons on the way out, cursing and screaming at them.
From the NY Daily News:
"You can go f— yourselves!" she told the group, adding that her "career will go on," but the slack-jawed group she was addressing was "going to have to kiss peoples' asses for the rest of [their] lives!"
Now I’m actually sad to see ‘Perfect Couples’ go. True, it was dreadful but if it made her more famous then we may have gotten some more of these awesome moments. Alas, it was cancelled after only a handful of episodes but Munn insists that it was always just a miniseries. You’ve gotta love the optimism. In her honor here’s one of her better segments from ‘The Daily Show.’
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