Cops probe parasailing donkey
By QMI Agency
Police have launched an investigation after shocked bystanders witnessed a screaming donkey, attached to a parachute, being pulled by a motorboat over a beach in the southern Russian city of Krasnodar.
“The donkey screamed and children cried,” Krasnodar regional police spokeswoman Larisa Tuchkova told the AFP news agency.
The animal was so high up, some children mistook it for a dog.
The Krasnodar news website Yuga.ru reports the flying donkey was a publicity stunt by a local parasailing company.
“No one had the brains to call police,” Tuchkova added, saying people instead stopped to call newspapers and snap pictures with their phones.
According to the local newspaper Taman, when the donkey finally landed, “it was dragged several metres along the water, after which the animal was pulled out half-alive onto the shore.”
Police are now investigating the parasailing donkey as an act of animal cruelty.
Well Heaven forbid somebody tries to give a donkey the thrill of a lifetime anymore. Animal cruelty? That donkey got to experience a thrilling event that many people will never to get to enjoy. It seems to me people keep trying to do great things for donkeys like take them flying, take them to the Grand Canyon and get them laid by horney human women and all they get in return is flack and arrests. Keep this up and donkeys are going to stop enjoying all these exciting frills.
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