So the Big 12 media days resulted in the same batch of stories we read every year. Colt McCoy and Sam Bradford are good, the North sucks and Mike Gundy still can't get over the rant. But I did catch a glimpse of a Big 12 Players Poll in the Oklahoman newspaper. Apparently they polled the players on a number of topics.
Today's topic is best and worst fans. This one was kind of a no brainer.
Polling the Big 12: Who has the best and worst fans?
The Oklahoman's Jake Trotter polled 29 of the 38 players at Big 12 Media Days, including at least one from each school. These are their answers.
Who has the best fans?
- Nebraska, 29%
- Texas A&M, 24%
- Oklahoma, 14%
- Kansas, 10%
- Texas, 10%
Other receiving votes: Missouri, Oklahoma State, Texas Tech
Quotable: "It's weird. It's oh-so weird. When you go up there, you expect to get yelled at and trashed. Next thing you know, they're all talking nice, like 'Have a good game.' Then, after the game, they're like, 'Good game, guys, good game.' It's weird, it throws you for a loop." — a Big 12 North offensive player, on playing in front of Nebraska fans
Quotable II: "Nebraska fans always cheer you on, even though they want you to lose." — a Big 12 North defensive player
Who has the worst fans?
- Texas Tech, 32%
- Kansas, 16%
- Missouri, 11%
- Nebraska, 11%
- Oklahoma State, 11%
Other receiving votes: Baylor, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas
Quotable: "After we lost to them, they ran on the field and tried to beat us up. They're the worst." — a Big 12 South offensive player, on Texas Tech fans
Quotable II: "Kansas fans treated us bad for some reason. I have no idea why, either." — a Big 12 South defensive player.
Once again the Cream (and Scarlet) rises to the top in the Big 12 fan ratings, while the Classless Clowns repeat as the Big 12's most infamous gang. I've always enjoyed being associated with Nebraska and Tech. I get to play the hero and the villain. I get to tie the girl to the train track and come to her rescue. You know, as long as she rewards me.
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