Indonesian woman claims to be 157 years old
By QMI Agency
Census workers in Indonesia have come across a woman who claims to be 157 years old.
Don't believe her? You could always ask her 108-year-old adopted daughter.
Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW) reports the woman, identified only as Turinah, lives in a small village on the island of Sumatra. She doesn't have identification papers because she burned them in 1965 so she wouldn't be connected to communists, she told authorities.
"There's no authentic data to prove her age but judging from her statements and the age of her adopted daughter, who's now 108 years old, it's difficult to doubt it," statistics bureau official Jhonny Sardjono told global news agency AFP Monday.
AFP reported the woman still works around her home and has smoked clove cigarettes all her life.
"Despite her age she still has an incredible memory, clear sight and has no hearing problems. She speaks Dutch quite fluently," Sardjono said.
If it's true, it means the woman has outlived the only person verified to have lived more than 120 years. Jeanne Calment of France died in 1997 at the age of 122.
RNW says Turinah claimed to be born in 1853 and is able to describe the huge eruption of the Krakatao volcano between the islands of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia in June 1883, which she said she saw with her own eyes.
I'm going to go ahead and wave my bullshit flag with a vengence on this one. I'm supposed to believe no other human can live past 120 but this old broad is almost 160. That's like a school bus on a Sunday - I ain't buying it. This lady's story had holes all in it. So what her adopted daughter is 108. The imposter at Permian's legal guardian was a dude he played high school basketball with. That means nothing. And the stuff about the volcano. Surely she couldn't have just read about that in a book? That's like saying Kyle Clark must be at least 100 becuase he spoke knowlegably about Prohibition. It's called the History Channel. This lady's story is bullshit. We all know only one person could survive to be 157 - Mr. Joe Louis.
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