It's Friday again and you know what that means - another BYB Express. Don't think of it as getting less blog. Just think of it getting more time to reflect on the NBA Finals.

Today, I was sitting at a red light when a homeless man began to walk up to my car. Hoping he wouldn't ask for money, I quickly grabbed my phone and mouthed words to look distracted. He then stopped and yelled, "Your gas cap is open, and you should probably roll up your window, asshole!" FML
Wal Mart Person of the Day

That Weather Coverage Was Criminal
You can criticize this lady all you want for accousting this television station but don't expect me to join in. Weather interruptions piss me off something fierce, especially when I'm in the middle of one of my shows. Now I'm not a 'Criminal Minds' viewer but if it means half as much to her as 'Law & Order: SVU' means to me then this tirade was certainly reasonable.

(443): I just used a coupon while buying plan B. The pregnant sales clerk nodded in approval.
NBA Finals Game 1

1584 – Sir Walter Raleigh establishes the first English colony on Roanoke Island, old Virginia (now North Carolina).
1917 – The first Pulitzer Prizes are awarded.
1919 – Women's rights: The U.S. Congress approves the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which guarantees suffrage to women, and sends it to the U.S. states for ratification.
1940 – World War II: Nazi forces enter the city of Paris, they finish taking control of the city 10 days later. (June 14, 1940)
1944 – World War II: Rome falls to the Allies, the first Axis capital to fall.
Plus, El DeBarge, lead singer of DeBarge was born in 1961, actor Scott Wolf was born in 1968, actor Noah Wyle was born in 1971, actress Angelina Jolie were born in 1975 and model Bar Refaeli was born in 1985. Also comedian and star of the new flick 'Get Him to the Greek' comedian Russell Brand was born today in 1975. That movie looks somewhat promising.

LOS ANGELES – A milkshake containing 2,010 calories -- equivalent to eating 68 strips of bacon or 30 chocolate chip cookies -- has topped a list of the 20 worst drinks in America compiled by Men's Health magazine.
The Cold Stone PB&C milkshake, made with peanut butter, chocolate icecream and milk, contains 68 grams of saturated fat and 153 grams of sugar, according to nutritional details on the company's website.
"In terms of saturated fat, drinking this Cold Stone catastrophe is like slurping up 68 strips of bacon," the magazine said.
The second worst drink in America was listed as the Peanut Power Plus Grape from Smoothie King with a large cup packing 1,498 calories and the same amount of sugar as 20 Reese's Peanut Butter Cups chocolate and peanut butter snacks.
McDonald's large Triple Thick Chocolate Shake came in third with 1,160 calories or the equivalent of 13 of the fast food chain's hot apple pies.
A spokesman from the Cold Stone Creamery pointed out that the company does also offer low-calorie, reduced-fat options for customers looking for "a lighter indulgence" such as its range of sinless smoothies with only 110 calories.
I don't think Coldstone should have to apologize or point out their lower calorie options just because they make an 2,100 calorie smoothie. Sure, the people woofing these things down might not know its quite that bad for them but I'm pretty sure when they taste a hearty mix of peanut butter, chocolate and sugar they don't think they're drinking a health shake. Sure, it might be nice if the tastiest things in the world weren't that bad for us. But they are and obviously there's still a market for it. So keep it up Coldstone. If America wants diabtetes, it's your job to give it to them.
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