After the Big 12, er, I mean, the Texas Longhorn Conference made its announcement that its staying together I immediately chastised fans of the remaining schools for defending their teams' decision to be lackeys to the allmighty Horns. But maybe I spoke too soon. At least one Aggie proved me wrong by shooting this email to Aggie Athletic Director (Dollar) Bill Byrne.

But Dollar Bill must have been having a bad day because he wasn't taking a nasty email from a fan who has shelled out a lot of coin. He had to call them to dispell the notion that he was sucking Bevo's rod.
Pretty good stuff. And if you're wondering where Mr. Byrne got his nickname, he earned it at Nebraska when he openly whored us out to the highest bidder, including his wonderful decision to fu*k with the best uniforms this side of Penn State and put a ghetto tastic stripe down NU's jersey and pants. Not to mention he rolled out the "We Surrender" all whites. I have no doubt that if Dollar Bill were still at NU we'd still be in the Big 12 and taking the Texas financial ass raping with a smile. If standing up to UT were akin to dealing with an abusive relationship the majority of the Big 12 would be Tammy Wynette, A&M would be Tina Turner and Nebraska would be Lorena Bobbit!
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