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Friday, October 30, 2009

College Football Road Trip Live Blog

Sunday, Nov. 1
8:18 a.m. - headed back to the O-Town. Had a lot of fun yesterday but it was exhausting. For the first time in my life I used the time change for an extra hour of sleep instead of an extra hour of partying. I'm getting too old for this.

Saturday, Oct. 31
Notre Dame game - Didn't have wireless in the Dome so that killed the live blog. There were some average concessions, a long wait for Bud Light (yuck) and some high prices. But it was all worth it to be back in the SA. Saw all my old pals. I will say ND fans act like shiftless hobos. Saw a drunk Irish fan in a hard hat almost fight an old UT fan. All in all a great day of college ball.

Husker Game high and low - high: Cody Green's TD pass. low: realizing Larry the Cable Guy is the face of the program. Larry (wearing camo shorts and cutoff sweatshirt) got a pregame hug from Carl Pelini. But at least the Blackshirts got er done!

3:01 p.m. - the Huskers held on. Ugly win but I'll take it. It was Crick-or-Treat all day as Jared Crick had 3 sacks, then he got decleated. Racing Southbound 35 headed for SA to see about the Irish and a cold beer.

1:59 p.m. - 20-10 at end of 3rd. Cody's pick was a bummer but you're going to have those with a freshman QB. At least I've gotten to sit down for most of the game.

1:10 p.m. - Halftime. Baylor has some delicious concession food. Had a brat and a Fuddrucker's burger. Baylor also has a piss poor replacement for Robert Griffin. Go Blackshirts! NU up 20-0.

12:03 p.m. - the Cody Green era begins with a field goal. Not too shabby. Some nice acrambling too.

11:25 a.m. - at Floyd Casey. Just heard the fight songs. There are litterally more Husker fans here than Baylor fans. Check my facebook photos. Also, the Baylor Line intro should be called "the running of the virgins" So sad.

9:31 a.m. - Just got out of the shower and about to head the Floyd Casey Stadium. No hangover but I did have beer mouth. Muench called and said he saw the refs buying beer outside Waco. Hell yeah!

10:41 p.m. - Watching the Laker game at the hotel bar. I think its getting close to my bedtime. Big day tomorrow. Two college football games.

8:27 p.m. - Just finished dinner at George's. The Big O's and the Crybaby burger were delicious. I think the sweety pale waitress had her eye on me but I've got a date with the hotel bar and talkin some Husker football.

6:25 p.m.- at the hotel bar drinking beer with some die hard Huskers. They're watching Big Red volleyball, I'm getting drunk. About to head to George's for some Big O's and fried pickles. Go Big Red!

College Football Road Trip Begins

1:49 A.M. Friday - So I'm writing this in my jammys. I'm about to finish off my vodka cherry sprite and go to bed with visions of college football dancing through my head.

It'll be better than my dream last night that I was a character on Entourage ( a show I haven't enjoyed in two years) but oddly the show was set in Odessa. Then two mildly attractive lebian teenagers chased my car on foot and somehow kept up after a drug deal went bad. Odd huh?

By the time you read this I and the Clark Family Band will be nearing Waco and I'll be gearing up to go grab a beer at either Cricket's or George's.

Keep checking the BYB and Facebook for harrowing accounts from my College Football extravaganza live blog. Peace.

P.S. - I hope this doesn't happen on the drive.

F My Scary Life Moment of Halloween

Today, I was walking to my friends Halloween themed birthday party in my zombie costume. Apparently, my crazy coke addicted neighbor found the costume too realistic. He tackled me. FML

Today, I told my dad that for Halloween I'm going to be an '80s workout Barbie. He just looks at me and says, "Yeah as the 'before' picture". FML

Today, I carved a pumpkin for Halloween. I thought it would be cool to carve my name, and have it shine through onto the wall behind it. I figured that if I carved my name backwards then it would show up correct on the wall. My name's Lana and now my wall says Anal. FML

Texts From Halloween Night Moment of the Day

(919): You said you were collecting Asians for your Kate Gosselin costume.

(313): Are we still dressing up as garden gnomes for halloween?
(518): No. I would like to get laid again before I graduate.

(551): She wanted to test if her costume allows her to still have sex in it. It does.

(314): why was he too nerdy?
(919): he was a tetris block for halloween

(843): fuck yea just found my unicorn costume from when i was 8... still fits.

(415): just did a line in a complete hula outfit off a chick in a devil costume. do you think hell will be this good?

That last one reminds me of this great Halloween party Jefferson had at that old rickety house on 191 and 338. They had designed every room as a theme. One was the devil room. It had pentagrams and devil stuff everywhere. My good friend who was dressed as a priest had sex with a girl in a devil costume in that room, easily securing his place in hell.

Wal Mart's Halloween Person of the Day

Lady, just save your money and tell people you're going as 'White Trash Juno.' Thanks Florida.

Best Halloween Special Ever

Remember when we we're kids and every show had to have a Halloween special? That was great. There was a 'Cheers' episode where the jukebox played 'Monster Mash' non-stop as a goof between Cheers and the rival bar. Plus 'Rosanne' always had some pretty good Halloween specials. My favorite though - Garfield by a long shot. I challenge you to go to Youtube and watch the entire Halloween special and tell me its not the best thing ever. Here's a preview.

Give me brains! And a cheeseburger

Man ordering food called a zombie, punched twice

IOWA CITY, Iowa -Iowa City police are investigating an early morning assault in which a man accused another of being a zombie, then punched him twice. Police said the assault occurred at 1:17 a.m. Sunday at an Iowa City restaurant south of the University of Iowa campus.

A man was ordering food when he was approached by another man who called him a zombie, then hit him in the eye. When the victim tried to call police on his cell phone, the man punched him again, breaking his nose.

The man then ran out a back door. The victim was taken by ambulance to a hospital.

You can never be too careful around Halloween. Some pale looking guy comes in and tries to order some onion rings, this dude hears brains and starts punching. Nuff' said. That's all this swine flu is anyway. Just a cover for zombies to take over the world. And they can sneak up on you quick. Just think how quick it happened in the 'Thriller' video. Also, if you're looking for a good zombie flick to watch on Halloween might I suggest 'Return of the Living Dead.' It's quite good. Video NSFW.

College Football Picks

I'm not seeing a whole lot I like this week and given my performance in the past few weeks I probably shouldn't wager at all. It's getting pretty bad in the BYB bank account. But here are my picks for Halloween anyway. If you bet them expect a trick and no treat.

The winners are bolded.

Rutgers at UCONN -7 1/2
I knew UCONN would keep the game close against West Virginia last week and I think they'll play great again this week. Emotions will be high as the Huskies play their first game in Stoors since the muder of one of their receivers. I like UCONN in this one.

Iowa State at Texas A&M -7
Iowa State didn't do much against Nebraska last week (aside from force turnovers) but A&M is an up and down yo-yo of a team this season. They start well and fall apart against Arkansas. They play lights out against Okie State and get trounced by Kansas State. They beat Tech big and...lose to Iowa State at home. I like the Cyclones and the points here.

Nebraska -13 at Baylor
I'm not trying to sell my own team down the river here but how the hell is Nebraska getting 13 points on the road right now? I'm not sure if the Husker offense can even score 13 points. I know its Baylor but I like the Bears anyway. Nebraska wins but I think we're talking 7-10 points.

Kansas at Tech -7
Much like A&M, Tech seems to be an up and down team this year. Things couldn't have seemed more optimistic going into last Saturday's game and things couldn't seem more dismal now. I expect Tech to bounce back well against Kansas.

Georgia at Florida -15
The Bulldogs have made Tebow very angry in the past. They won't like him when he's angry. The Gators roll in this one.

USC -3 1/2 at Oregon
I threw this game on here because its one of the few big games of the week. I think USC wins but I also think its going to be very close. I should probably just stay away from this one.

On Halloween Day in...

I really wanted to continue nthe Halloween theme I got rocking in the BYB today so I figured we'd do on Halloween Day instead of the 30th. You're not missing much on the 30th anyway. Mussolini became Prime Minister, Jackie Robinson signed with Brooklyn and John Adams and Kevin Pollack were born. See.

Now, On Halloween Day in...
1517 – Protestant Reformation: Martin Luther posts his 95 theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg.
1864 – Nevada is admitted as the 36th U.S. state.
1913 – Dedication of the Lincoln Highway, the first automobile road across United States; – The Indianapolis Street Car Strike and subsequent riot begins.
1959 – Lee Harvey Oswald attempts to renounce his American citizenship at the US Embassy in Moscow, USSR.
1961 – In the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin's body is removed from Lenin's Tomb.
1984 – Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi is assassinated by two Sikh security guards. Riots soon break out in New Delhi and nearly 2,000 Sikhs are killed.
2002 – A federal grand jury in Houston, Texas formally indicts former Enron Corp. chief financial officer Andrew Fastow on 78 counts of wire fraud, money laundering, conspiracy and obstruction of justice related to the collapse of his ex-employer.

Spooky Births
1795 – John Keats, British poet (d. 1821)
1931 – Dan Rather, American television journalist
1944 – Kinky Friedman, American musician and novelist
1950 – John Candy, Canadian comedian and actor (d. 1994)
1950 – Jane Pauley, American news anchor
1951 – Nick Saban, American college football coach
1961 – Peter Jackson, New Zealand film director
1963 – Fred McGriff, American baseball player
1967 – Vanilla Ice, American rapper

I was really hoping there would be a spooky birthday like Vincent Price or something but I guess we'll just have to settle for John Candy and Vanilla Ice. Not a bad consolation prize. I bet Nick Saban wants a win for his birthday present/Halloween treat. I can't help him there but I can help him with the best Halloween song ever!

Ghost of Bearded Past

Billy Mays III: I Want to Be Haunted By My Father
by TMZ Staff

Billy Mays III -- the late pitchman's son -- is hosting a Billy Mays costume contest for Halloween in honor of his dead father ... and get this, zombie Billy Mays submissions are encouraged.

Little Billy posted the following on his website:

"Halloween is approaching rapidly and it goes without saying that "deceased celebrities" (and balloon boy) will most likely be a huge theme at every gathering.

There will no doubt be a multitude of people dressed as Billy Mays (or zombie Billy Mays).. it is one of the easiest costumes of all time to put together. (Beard, blue button-down, khakis, prop product, etc..)"

Billy wants people to send him pics of their Billy getups -- the winner gets a bunch of prizes ... including, of course, a tub of OxiClean.

I'm glad this kid is getting in the Halloween spirit and trying to look at his father's death with a sense of humor. As we all know laughter is the best medicine. And he's right. It should be pretty easy to grow a beard, get a denim shirt and carry around some Orange Glow or a Handy Switch. Or if you wanted to look menacing you go as Zombie Billy and carry an Awesome Auger. Personally I'd go with the Mighty Putty and put it on the spot on my head where he racked himself in that airplane. Too soon?

Top 5 Scary Movies

I figured in the spirit of Halloween I'd do a condensed Top 5 Horror movies. Of course I'm going to skew young here. I'm not much for Frankenstein Dracula or the Blob. Nor am I much for the real new crap that Hollywood is cranking out these days. The hayday for horror was the the late 70s and 80s with the classic slasher flicks. So here we go. Click on the story title for the full list.

Honorable Mention: There's tons of movies I could put here but I don't want to be here all day so I'm just going to mention the original Halloween 2 and the original Prom Night. Halloween 2 is easily the best horror sequel of all-time and actually had its plot set as a continuation of the night in the original Halloween. Prom Night (1980) was another Jamie Lee Curtis slasher flick and was a who-dun-it type of movie.

#5. A Nightmare on Elm Street
Of all the horror movie villains of the modern era Freddy Kruger is easily the most identifiable and probably gave children the most nightmares in the 80s. Aside from being scary as hell Freddy had a knack for comedy and really helped change the genre. Plus the movie launched the career of Johnny Depp. Here he is now.

#4 Scream
I thought I had to throw at least one movie from the 90s on this list. Scream changed the genre by shifting the slasher from an unkillable psychopath like Mike Myers or Jason to one of your friends from school. Plus it was pretty funny.

#3 - Friday the 13th
If one killer was as identifiable in the 80s as Freddy, it was Jason Voorhies. But what most people don't remember is that Jason's mother Ms. Voorhies is actually the killer in the original film. Jason makes his first appearance at the end of the movie and becomes the killer in the first sequel (also a very good flick). But it was Ms. Voorhie's killing of Kevin Bacon that highlights this movie.

#2. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
No horror movie has garnered the same kind of negative attention and hysteria that Massacre did. It's legend grew at drive-in theatres across America and it was subsequently banned in countries throughout the world. Most of those involved in the making of the film endured a July filming in the Texas heat and received no money from the film after the production company turned out to be mob related.

#1 Halloween
How could Michael Myers not win on his day? The King of Slasher flicks is Halloween which actually endured a lackluster debut to become one of the biggest cult classics of all-time, spawning seven sequels, a remake and a remake of a sequel. it also served as Jamie Lee Curtis' debut and made her the undisputed scream queen of her time. The infamous closet scene is the film's signature moment.

House of 1,000 Dunces

I don't care if its Halloween time or not. If I saw that giant beast coming out of a warehouse in Baltimore with a chainsaw I'm going to pull a gun on him. I mean, better safe than sorry. It's much easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask someone to sew your face back on.

That part about his being drunk is BS though. Who isn't drunk at a haunted house? A sober chainsaw guy is like a Mall Santa not on coke. It just ain't right.

Dexter's Sister (Wife) Afraid For Her Life

Dexter Star Death Fear
National Enquirer

Jennifer Carpenter who plays serial killer Dexter's sister on the hit Showtime show is scared producers are going to pull an Ashlee Simpson on her AND kill her off!

The brunette beauty who secretly wed costar Michael C. Hall last year is a nervous wreck about the series finale because the details are being kept TOP SECRET!

"There are three pages missing at the end (of the script)," Jennifer confided. "We're not allowed to know what happens.

"I'm scared... (but) this is a show with a serial killer and guess what happens to people around serial killers?

"They die," she said.

"Not only are you gonna die, but you're gonna die in a really messed-up way."

Uh oh.

I certainly hope they don't kill Deb off. That would really screw up the vibe of the show. I'm already mad enough that they killed Lundy. Plus, if they kill of Michael C. Hall's wife then he may get pissed and quit. And I don't know what I'd do without my favorite serial killer. Sundays in the Fall would be irreversably changed. Then I might have to go Dexter on someone.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

F My Life Moment of the Day

Today, my cousin and I were out on the boardwalk. I walked to the railing next to a man and said, "Great view isn't it?" Then I found out that the man was blind and had a seeing eye dog. FML

Today, a friend asked me if I'd buy him some condoms because he's too shy to buy them himself. I obliged and whilst queuing at the till to buy them I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see my fiancée glaring at me. We don't use condoms. FML

Wal Mart Person of the Day

For the record I would rather have sex with Austin Power's Goldmember or WWE wrestler Goldust than this woman. Thank you Georgia.

Prejudiced Pirate: Mike Leach hates fat girls

I was shocked when I first heard Mike Leach's disparing comments about the fat women of Lubbock, Texas. As a six year student of Texas Tech who was known to knock a few back from time to time, there is no type of person who touched me on a more personal level than a Lubbock fat girl.

These ladies give their love, asking for almost nothing in return (especially sobriety, a phone call or a ride home). Now just because Mike Leach lost a game he has to throw an entire minority group under the bus. I think this is a call for action. The fat women of Lubbock need to picket this Saturday's game against Kansas. Coach Leach needs to know this type of aggression against the overweight will not stand.

P.S. - I would have thought Mike Leach would like fat girls. Everytime I shacked up with a chubby lady I had a little Captain in me!

For the full video of Leach's fat tirade click here.

Texts From Last Nite Moment of the Day

(301): This last weekend single handedly took me off the liver transplant list

(971): So then the officer asked you how you were getting home and you told him "very carefully"

They're Playing Football

Not too great s late of games this week, of course after last week's craptastic schedule this week will be by much better by comparison. I will be on the road this weekend watching what will likely be two of the worst games of the week. Eat your hearts out minions.

Now to the few good ones.

Texas at Oklahoma State
Boone Pickens Stadium has not been friendly to Texas in the past, pushing Texas to the brink during the Vince Young dream season and being a touch play to play each time. After enduring an early loss to Houston, OSU has bounced back and is probably the second best team in the South. But the announcement that Dez Bryant has been banned for the remainder of the season could hamper the Pokes. Texas' offense finally clicked against Mizzou last week and should give UT enough to get a close win.

Kansas State at Oklahoma
You know its a bad week when I'm throwing K St. in 'They're Playing Football' but like or not the Wildcats are the defacto leader in the Big 12 North at this point. That said, the Wildcats are going to get bludgeoned by the Sooners in this one. If getting their good name back isn't motivation enough for the Sooners, I'm sure Bob Stoops will be happy to remind his team of the '03 Big 12 Championship.

Georgia at Florida
This game has become one of the better rivalry games in the country. This season though, the Bulldogs have probably the worst defense in the SEC and will give Florida a chance to get its offense going. Tebow seemed upset after last week's narrow win against Miss State. I'd hate to be the Dawgs' D right now.

USC at Oregon
Autzen Stadium is a tough place to play and the Ducks are on fire. This is a game where Oregon could step up and prove everyone had it wrong when they buried the Ducks after the Boise State loss. Not so fast my friend. USC gets the win and stays in the national title hunt.

The Games On My Radar

Kansas at Tech
I'm a bit curious to see which QB trots out for Tech Saturday. Sheffield is probably still a bit too banged up but I wouldn't be surprised to see Doedge get the start. Kansas' defense has been a weakness all season so it might not matter which QB starts. Of course I said that about the A&M defense too, but this time I may be right. Tech gets the win.

Nebraska at Baylor
Bo Pelini said this week that Nebraska needs a spark offensively. Thank you, Captain Obvious. Wouldn't finding that spark be your job? How about you worry about that and I'll worry about restocking the vodka shelf and getting the F My Life moments posted. Nebraska finds a candle in the darkness offensively and gets just enough to win.

Notre Dame vs. Washington State
This game is going to be an epic murder. Its a good thing I'm going to get free drink coupons for the stadium lounge.

On this day in...

On this day in...
1618 – English adventurer, writer, and courtier Sir Walter Raleigh is beheaded for allegedly conspiring against James I of England.
1787 – Mozart's opera Don Giovanni receives its first performance in Prague.
1863 – Sixteen countries meeting in Geneva agree to form the International Red Cross.
1886 – The first ticker-tape parade takes place in New York City when office workers spontaneously throw ticker tape into the streets as the Statue of Liberty is dedicated.
1901 – Leon Czolgosz, the assassin of US President William McKinley, is executed by electrocution.
1923 – Turkey becomes a republic following the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire.
1966 – National Organization For Women is founded.
1998 – Space Shuttle Discovery blasts off on STS-95 with 77-year old John Glenn on board, making him the oldest person to go into space.


1897 – Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda (d. 1945)
1942 – Bob Ross, American artist and television host (d. 1995)
1947 – Richard Dreyfuss, American actor
1971 – Winona Ryder, American actress
1978 – Travis Henry, American football player
1983 – Maurice Clarett, American football player

A good birthday for troubled running backs with both Travis Henry and Maurice Clarett. Plus, who would have thought Bob Ross had been dead 14 years? You can still see his show on PBS. I thought he was still alive. We'll probably be saying the same thing about Billy Mays in a few years.

Monkey Business

How dare the government have the audacity to step in the way of this monkey doing his job. Does he come down to where they work and throw crap at them while they're trying to work? Well, if he doesn't yet then he's about to start!

P.S. - How does a damn monkey calm anyone down? They're not exactly the most serene animals. I think this lady just gets lonely and only a monkey can fill that void.

College Football's Debbie Downer

Once filled with promise, season has failed to sizzle
By Mark Schlabach/

This was supposed to be a college football season to remember.

We were supposed to be witnessing one of the most compelling Heisman Trophy races in history. With quarterbacks Sam Bradford, Colt McCoy and Tim Tebow coming back to school, the trio was supposed to light up scoreboards and jockey for position on Heisman Trophy ballots, while their teams jockeyed for the No. 1 ranking in the Bowl Championship Series standings.

Instead, with six weeks to go in the 2009 regular season, Bradford's college career is over (along with Oklahoma's national championship hopes) because of an injured right shoulder, and McCoy and Tebow have rarely looked like the players who were Heisman Trophy finalists a year ago.

With apologies to Boise State, Cincinnati, Iowa and TCU, the 2009 college football season has been a flop by most accounts.

Rest of column here.

I saw this column by Mark Schlabah this week and I thought it brought up an interesting point about this college football season. Things haven't been what we thought they'd be. This was supposed to be the season of the Heisman frontrunners. For the first time in college football history there were two Heisman winners returning and the Heisman runner up from '08 also returned. Instead, we now have zero definitive Heisman frontrunners. Sure, Jimmy Clasuen and Mark Ingram are getting some love but noone is sure they'll stick around.

Also, despite still having more a few undefeated teams, there is no dominant squad. Alabama is probably the closest thing we have and the Tide came close to losing to unranked Tenneessee last week.

My impression is that you can't really expect anything in college football. There's growing parity in the sport and injuries can change the season in a heartbeat. I guess the biggest disappointment has been the lack of Top 25 teams playing each other at this point in the season. It seems like we're getting 1-2 matchups between Top 25 teams a week when we used to get multiple such games in the past. That may be largely in part to the influx of non-BCS conference teams in the Top 25 or it could just be an anomoly. I'm not sure.

All that said I'm still betting things start to turn around. I think the top teams will start playing better and I think at the end of the year Tebow and McCoy will be on the stage with Clausen at the Downtown Athletic Club. Either way, I'll still be watching.

If nothing else, at least we got to see this last week.

Get Your Cock Out of Your Kitchen

Man Busted for Being Naked at Home
AOL News

(Oct. 21) A Virginia man was busted for indecent exposure after he was caught in the buff. In his own home. Alone.

Eric Williamson, 29, got up at 5:30 a.m. Monday and went to the kitchen to make some coffee. He was naked, but he was alone in the Springfield house, so he didn't think it mattered.


A woman and a 7-year-old boy were cutting through Williamson's front yard from a nearby path, according to WTTG-TV, Channel 5 in Washington. Through his front window, they saw Williamson having coffee in his birthday suit.

Fairfax County police showed up and arrested him. Williamson said he had no idea anyone could see him, but police said they believed he wanted to be seen by the public, said WTTG, a Fox station.

If convicted, Williamson could face one year in jail and a $2,000 fine. He plans to fight the charge.

"If I stood and seemed comfortable in my kitchen, it's natural. It's my kitchen," he told the station.

You know I'm not going to get on this mom and son's case too much for walking through someone else's yard (although that probably is trespassing), but getting on this poor guy's case for having his wang out while he's making some Kool Aid is just ridiculous.

I'm not a big nudity guy (although I have sometimes been a big nude man) but sometimes you have to make a quick jaunt through the house with no clothes. I know when I'm doing laundry in the main house, I sometimes have to make my way through the back yard and back to BYB Headquarters naked. Hopefully the neighbors haven't been subjected to my nude laundry romps, but if they have then they haven't ratted me out. They're nice people.

Gettin' Off On the Wrong Foot

Amputee suspected after one shoe goes missing

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Police say a one-legged suspect was caught after only one shoe went missing in a store in Belgium.

An amputee was an immediate suspect when a store attendant found one shoe missing from a shop in the western Belgian town of Maldegem. Police spokesman Rik Decraemer said Monday authorities were alerted and quickly found the man who fit the description by shopkeepers. The shoe was also recovered.

The suspect, a Russian asylum seeker, faces possible charges and was handed over to judicial authorities.

I'm sure when this guy went out to do some robbing he probably wasn't thinking about how this would backfire on him. Seriously man, why you stealing shoes? Why not steal a nice jacket or some booze? Stealing shoes is only going to draw attention to yourself. Especially when you only steal one. Its pretty obvious this guy is rocking a wheel chair. If he had a fake leg he would have stolen both shoes. I think a guy in a wheelchair buying new shoes is suspicious in the first place. That seems to be an area one could save a lot of money on. I mean those shoes are going to get much ware and tear. I'm pretty sure I'm going to hell.

Hulk Hogan's Bait and Switch

You may have seen Hulk Hogan's recent media blitz aimed around getting attention for his new book, "My Life Outside the Ring." All the while I couldn't help but think there was something bigger up ol' Hulk's sleeve than just a book and a few exhibition wrestling matches. That's when the other shoe dropped. The Hulkster is back in pro wrestling full-time with his announcement that he will be joining TNA Wrestling, owned by former Designing Women star Dixie Carter. His announcement coincided with an appearance on Larry King Live, which should bring some much needed attention to wrestling's second organization.

I doubt Hulk's partnership with TNA will boost ratings too much but with slumping ratings for WWE Raw Vince McMahon can't be happy about this news.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

F My Life Moment of the Day

Today, I took a trip to Wal-Mart. There's a car wash that they conveniently built right outside of this Wal-Mart. So as I was leaving, I decided to make use of this car wash, not even thinking about the $200 worth of groceries I had just purchased. I drive a pick-up truck. FML

Wal Mart Person of the Day

This apparently is in Cancun. I didn't even realize they had Wal Mart's in Cancun. But I can see they have beautiful women...with diabetes.

Clark's Top 25

Alabama sturggled for the first time this season, but Florida did too. The Longhorns took care of business for once so who's #1? As my good buddy Brian Welch says, why speculate? Last week's rankings are in ( ).

1. Alabama (1) - It took a miraculous defensive effort by DT Mount Cody to keep Alabama undefeated but don't expect me to punish the Crimson Tide just yet. Florida and Texas have sturggled plenty this season. Alabama deserves one slump game.
2. Florida (2) - I flirted with the idea of dropping Florida below Texas this week but given the Big 12 North's recent play I'm not so sure that beating Miss St. by 10 isn't betting than beating Mizzou by 34.
3. Texas (3) - Colt McCoy finally exploded ith 269 yards and 3 TDs (two to Jordan Shipley) to lead the Horns past Mizzou 41-7.
4. Cincinatti (4) - The Bearcats took care of business again, beating Louisville 41-10. Backup QB Zach Collaros was ultra efficient going 15-17 for 253 yards and 3 TDs passing.
5. TCU (8) - Up until two weeks ago I was suspicious of how good TCU really was. Two weeks later they've beaten Colorado State and BYU 82-13.
6. Boise State (5) - Like I wrote last week, as Boise's schedule continues to drag on the Broncs will continue to get dropped. Tough titty.
7. Oregon (7) - The Ducks' loss to Boise may hold them back as voters may be hesistant to jump them over a team they lost to head to head. But a win against USC this week may change that.
8. Iowa (9) - The Hawkeyes edged out Michigan State 15-13 this week and now have Indiana and Northwestern before facing Ohio State. I doubt you'd find a person who doesn't expect Iowa to be 11-0 going into that one.
9. USC (6) - The Trojans avoided their second disappointment of the '09 season with a 42-36 win against Oregon State. USC was paced by RB Allen Bradford who had 147 yards and 2 TDs on the ground.
10. LSU (10) - The Tigers looked strong again with a 31-10 win against Auburn. QB Jordan Jefferson had 242 yards and 2 TDs.
11. Penn State (11) - I thought for sure that Michigan would give the Nittany Lions a close game but Penn State romped 35-10 as QB and one-time Heisman candidate Darryl Clark had 4 Tds passing.
12. Georgia Tech (13) - The Yellow Jackets dominated on the ground again with RBs Jonathan Dwyer and Anthony Allen both topping the 100-yard mark, while QB Josh Nesbitt had 82 yards and 2 TDs on the ground.
13. Virginia Tech (14) - The Hokies took the week off last week. Well played.
14. Oklahoma State (15) - The Pokes took it to hapless Baylor last week 34-7 as Zac Robinson was on fire going 23-27 for 250 yards and 3 TDs. I'm sure that will inspire Baylor to take it to Nebraska this week.
15. Houston (16) - Houston dominated SMU 38-15 last week. I'm not too impressed with that but I can't really drop them for winning by 23.
16. Ohio State (18) - Lebron's little talk with Terrelle Pryor must have at least helped a little as he had 239 yards and 2 TDs passing and 104 yards and a TD rushing in a 38-7 win against Minnesota.
17. Pittsburgh (23) - I'm not sure how good South Florida is but beating the Bulls 41-14 is a great showing for Pitt. The Panthers are going to try and make the Big East a two-team race.
18. Miami (12) - After a fairly consistent season the Canes defense fell apart against Clemson, letting QB Kyle Parker and RB C.J. Spiller team up to embarrass the Canes in a 40-37 win.
19. Mississippi (19) - The Rebels were idle last week.
20. Notre Dame (20) - The Fightin' Irish had last week off to prepare for their first home game at a neutral site at the Alamodome in San Antonio.
21. Utah (21) - The Utes didn't look convincing in a 23-16 win against Air Force but they did good enough to win.
22. West Virginia (23) - The Mpuntaineers survived a game where emotions were high after the murder of a UCONN wide receiver. Up next for WVU is reeling South Florida.
23. Oklahoma (25) - The Sooners got back on track in what many thought would be a trap game in Lawrence, Kansas. QB Landry Jones had 252 yards and 2 TDs in a 35-13 win.
24. Arizona (NR) - Arizona seems to be the Pac 10 flavor of the week with a 5-2 record and a 27-13 win against UCLA last week. The Wildcats have this week off.
25. California (NR) - The Golden Bears dominated poor Washington State last week and will now face Arizona State this week.

They Played Basketball!

So the Lakers got the 2009-2010 season started with a bang as they shut down the Blake Griffin less Clippers 99-92. Yeah, I know, real impressive. But at least Ron Artest got to show off his great new hair do. Like the doctor said when Lindsay Lohan came out the womb, it's gonna get crazy!

P.S. - In related crazy Lakers news Khloe Kardashian and her big rump sister had prime seats for the game last night. Khloe's new hubby Lamar Odom didn't disappoint her with 16 points and 13 rebounds. He did however disappoint me by having her initials tattoed on his hand. Way to go LO! I'll go ahead and schedule the laser removal for later this spring.

Texts From Last Nite Moment of the Day

"(402): I'm not saying I want a booty call. I just want what Cory and Topanga had.

"If Carmen San Diego and Waldo ever got together, their offspring would probably just be completely invisible."

Thanks to my girl and former Bowl partner in crime A Staff for sending these along.

Mustang Dummy

Once again, I'm late to the game on this story but the trip to Lubbock threw my week off balaance. My favorite Yard Dog Lil' Terry passed along this series of emails between SMU Dedmon Law student Jonathan Eakman and the Cox School of Business at SMU. What ensues is the finest form of egotistical behavior I may have ever read. Like my boy Tony Kornheiser once said of college, "it's just a bunch of self indulgent children and out of touch adults."

From: Eakman, Jonathan
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 1:00 PM
To: Murdoch, Holly M.
Subject: Ivy software

Having too much fun this summer. Need a little extra time on the ivy software. Got the worst out of the way with the accounting, and the business math shouldn’t be a problem (econ degree), but the I have a hitch in my step with the corp finance. Have patience with me.

Thanks. Jonathan


From: Murdoch, Holly Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 1:18 PM
To: Eakman, Jonathan
Subject: RE: Ivy software

Jon - You can have an extension until August 5. Please have them complete by then.

Thanks, Holly Murdoch MBA Admissions


From: Eakman, Jonathan
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 9:17 AM
To: Murdoch, Holly M.
Subject: RE: Ivy software


Had some family issues and haven’t been able to get the last Corp Finance study prep test done. Be cool on this. In my last job, I dodged having to take responsibility for a billion dollar budget, so I know what I’m doing. Thanks for your help/understanding.



From: Murdoch, Holly
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 3:46 PM
To: Eakman, Jonathan
Subject: RE: Ivy software

Jonathan - Please have them complete by the end of the weekend.

Holly Murdoch MBA Admissions


From: Eakman, Jonathan
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 11:11 AM
To: Murdoch, Holly M.
Subject: RE: Ivy software


I hate excuses, but I find myself using them. A car wreck, computer problems, stupid family issues and a kidney stone scare have made my three weeks less than productive. I suggest maybe an oral examination to prove my competency or, since bootcamp is already in progress, we forget about it. The downside risk for me is that my grades might suffer, and I am OK with that. Looking forward to a great year in school!



From: Cudney, Patricia
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 11:40 AM
To: Eakman, Jonathan
Subject: RE: Ivy software

Jonathan - I am sorry to hear of your recent troubles. However, successful completion of the 3 online tests is required of all students for full enrollment in the MBA program this fall. Please let me know when you’ll be able to complete them.

Regards, Patti Patti Cudney
Director, MBA Admissions Cox School of Business at SMU


From: Eakman, Jonathan
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 12:17 PM
To: Cudney, Patti
Subject: RE: Ivy software


The legal education received next door has made me a cynic. Not once has there been an exception made? Never? Not once? Would you admit me if I actually believed that? I’ll get it done. Just don’t feed me the cock and bull story.



From: Cudney, Patricia
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 12:26 PM
To: Eakman, Jonathan
Subject: RE: Ivy software

Jonathan - I can only speak definitively to the last 6 entering classes since I have worked here, but there has not been an exception made.

Patti Cudney Director, MBA Admissions Cox School of Business at SMU


From: Eakman, Jonathan
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 12:43 PM
To: Cudney, Patti
Subject: RE: Ivy software

So you would admit me if I believed that.


From: Cudney, Patti
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 12:44 PM
To: ‘Eakman, Jonathan’
Subject: RE: Ivy software

Since I have been here, no one has been allowed to start the program without completing the test requirements.

Patti Cudney Director, MBA Admissions Cox School of Business at SMU


From: marci
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 2:35 PM
To: Eakman, Jonathan
Subject: Re: JDMBAs

Dear Mr. Eakman,

Your e-mail messages regarding your failure to complete the prerequisites for entering the MBA program have been forwarded to me. First, no one has ever asked for an exception for completing work required to enter the MBA program, nor, obviously, has an exception ever been granted. You were, however, granted several extensions of time to meet the requirements. Frankly, if you are having problems meeting these requirements, whatever the reason, you may well find the program expectations to be very challenging. In addition, the tone you have taken in communicating with Cox staff about the matter is inappropriate. I cannot imagine that you would communicate this way with faculty and staff at the Dedman School and it won’t be tolerated here. If you would like the opportunity to enter the MBA program, I am available this week for a face-to-face meeting to discuss your sincere interest in the program and in meeting all requirements of the program. I strongly suggest that prior to such a meeting, you complete all the requirements if you haven’t done so already. Absent completion of all requirements and a meeting to discuss your seriousness about the MBA program by Friday this week, your admission to the Cox School of Business MBA program will be revoked.

Marci Armstrong Marci Armstrong, Ph.D.
Associate Dean, Graduate Programs Cox School of Business Southern Methodist University


From: Eakman, Jonathan
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 2:19 PM
To: marci
Subject: RE: JDMBAs

Did you read the whole email? Don’t use undergraduate threats with a graduate student. Its unbecoming. And hysterical. Furthermore, you granted me an exception on time, so how is an exception on completion any different? As for ability to complete the SMU MBA program, did you check my resume? Do you know I’m a law student next door? On academic scholarship? It is on my resume. It’s a pretty solid resume, you should look. I have real world corporate finance experience for the world’s largest airline. I did their sales strategy. I got there by programming metrics based web applications. I have an econ degree. Might make that corporate finance test seem unnecessary. Furthermore, you assume I have time for a face to face meeting. That is the problem with completing the requirements. I agree that the test is easy to complete. I passed the other two without opening the study materials. I just had a some bad luck and need time to deal with it. That is why I have been granted several extensions. Which I appreciate. But once I complete the requirements, which is one test, what do we have to talk about? My sincere interest in the program? I’m already admitted and my deposit has been paid. I’m enrolled in classes. That’s what I consider sincere interest. What’s your definition? As for my tone. Please define inappropriate. If there is any school bylaws I need to refer to please let me know. This is how the grownups over at the law school communicate. Do you not have a sense of humor? I’ve been at SMU for two years now and I am aware how people communicate. Does this work on people with work experience? Maybe its just hard to threaten (future) attorneys. As for the revoking my admission. I paid the deposit. That means I’m acccepted. Please send appropriate bylaws dealing with rejection of admitted students. You act like I’m a trouble maker, and I’m a law student. What caused the misperception?How many JD/MBA’s do you have problems with? I’m unimpressed with your response. Is this how the business school is going to treat its best students?

Jonathan Ellison Eakman


From: “Eakman, Jonathan”
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 18:28:31 -0500
To: Armstrong, Marci
Subject: FW: JDMBAs


The admissions department revoking my admission when I am already admitted?? Good try. As an admitted student there is a process for expulsion. Once you allowed me to pay the deposit, put me on the student email, enrolled me in classes, and caused me to spend $900 on textbooks I was admitted. Just because you call the tests prerequisites doesn’t mean they aren’t part of the school curriculum. This goes to the honor board. I am requesting they be brought into this. I am also re-requsting the appropriate bylaws you are acting under.You refunded my nonrefundable deposit. Glad I didn’t get deposit insurance. I’ll be there on monday, since I’m on the roll. It really was a good try.


On this day in...

On this day in...
1636 – A vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony establishes the first college in what would become the United States, today known as Harvard University.
1886 – In New York Harbor, President Grover Cleveland dedicates the Statue of Liberty.
1918 – World War I: Czechoslovakia is granted independence from Austria-Hungary marking the beginning of independent Czechoslovak state, after 300 years.
1919 – The U.S. Congress passes the Volstead Act over President Woodrow Wilson's veto, paving the way for Prohibition to begin the following January.
1922 – March on Rome: Italian fascists led by Benito Mussolini march on Rome and take over the Italian government.
1929 – Black Monday, a day in the Wall Street Crash of 1929, which also saw major stock market upheaval.
1942 – The Alaska Highway (Alcan Highway) is completed through Canada to Fairbanks, Alaska.
2005 – Plame affair: Lewis Libby, Vice-president Dick Cheney's chief of staff, is indicted in the Valerie Plame case. Libby resigns later that day.

1936 – Charlie Daniels, American musician
1937 – Lenny Wilkens, American basketball player and coach
1944 – Dennis Franz, American actor
1949 – Bruce Jenner, American athlete
1955 – Bill Gates, American software executive
1956 – Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran
1966 – Steve Atwater, American football player
1972 – Terrell Davis, American football player
1972 – Brad Paisley, American musician
1980 – Christy Hemme, American professional wrestler

We've got some good and some bad on this day. The Statue of Liberty got dedicated, Harvard was established, the titan of the software game was born as were two of my favorite Bronco players. On the bad side we had the beginnings of prohibition, Italian Facism, Cheney's Facism and the birth of Ahmadinejad. So is it a good day or a bad day? I hope this photo settles that.

Minnesota Mascot Mock Trial

Minnesota apologizes for mascot mocking praying PSU player

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- The University of Minnesota is apologizing after its Goldy Gopher mascot poked fun at a Penn State football player who was praying before last week's game.

A video made before Saturday's game at State College shows Penn State defensive end Jerome Hayes kneeling in prayer in the end zone.

Goldy Gopher kneels in front of Hayes, according to the video posted on YouTube. When Hayes stands up, so does Goldy. The mascot tries to make some contact, but Hayes ignores him and trots back to the bench.

Minnesota spokesman Dan Wolter says the stunt was "plainly a mistake" and the mascot didn't intend to offend anyone or trivialize religion.

Penn State athletics spokesman Brian Siegrist had no comment Thursday. Penn State won the game 20-0.

I know I'm at least a week late to the party on this story but I wanted to get to it eventually. If you can see above Minnesota's mascot mocked a Penn State player for praying before the game. I for one was not surprised.

It's well known in the naimal world that gophers are godless, evil creatues. Almost all rodents are. Only the beaver is said to be a more sacreligious creature (for obvious reasons). Of course if you had greenskeepers like Bill Murray trying to eradicate your species continuously, you might find your faith in the higher power shaken as well. WWGGD? What Would Goldy Gopher Do?

Drunks, Start Your Engines

Man drives motorized La-Z-Boy while drunk

DULUTH, Minn. (AP) — A Minnesota man has pleaded guilty to driving his motorized La-Z-Boy chair while drunk.

A criminal complaint says 62-year-old Dennis LeRoy Anderson told police he left a bar in the northern Minnesota town of Proctor on his chair after drinking eight or nine beers.

Prosecutors say Anderson’s blood alcohol content was 0.29, more than three times the legal limit, when he crashed into a parked vehicle in August 2008. He was not seriously injured.

Police said the chair was powered by a converted lawnmower and had a stereo and cup holders.

Doesn't this seem like at least the 10th story about a drunk guy who augmented some type of seat into a motorized vehicle. I think this has to be the most exciting form of one-upsmanship since the Space Race. The only fallback is that most of these guys probably aren't quantum phsyicists. Its too bad Albert Einstein wasn't a drunk.

I also liked how they have to point out each time one of these guys drives these machines that he's drunk. No shit he's drunk. Who would drive a motorized Lazy Boy sober? That'd be ridiculous.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

F My Life Moment of the Day

Today, I witnessed a homeless man fall off of his bike and land face first onto the pavement. Bleeding and shivering in the 40 degree weather, I gave him the coat off of my back. He got up like nothing happened and sprinted away with it. Oh yeah, my wallet was in the inside pocket. FML

Today, I was at AT&T getting my phone fixed. At one point, the salesman said 'you should see this'. It was a text message from some girl apologizing for sleeping with my boyfriend for the past four months, and telling me that they were moving him out of our apartment. FML

College Football Road Trip

I'm eschewing the usual College Football Wrap Up section of the Blog today because I only watched one game last week (Nebraska). Thus, I have no frame of reference on the games and my commentary would simply be useless. Instead I am going to use this space to unveil the plans for this weekend, my first ever Live Blog and the ultimate College Football Road Trip!

Things will begin Friday morning as the Clark Family Band travels to lovely Waco, Texas. After a lovely night of Big O's at George's Bar and conversing with fellow backsliding Baptists, I will be waking up and watching the 11:30 a.m. Nebraska vs. Baylor game at Floyd Casey Stadium. I'm hoping the Nebraska offense comes back to life, but if not I can just fixate on the live bear mascot like I did the last time NU played in Waco.

After what should be a disappointing game I will be making the trek South to my former stomping grounds in San Antonio and the Alamodome where the Notre Dame Fightin' Irish square off against Washington State.

Some would ask, if you were planning on going to two college games in one day, why not pick two good games? To that I say, I got free tickets to the Notre Dame game so it was kind of a no brainer.

I'm going to try and keep the iPhone updates rolling on the BYB Facebook so continue to check the Saturday and chart my progress. Wish me luck minions.

Wal Mart Person of the Day

On the same day as Lee Greenwood's birthday I thought it would be appropriate to keep the patriotic vibe going. Good thing this man from Florida had the same idea. Oh, when will we change the National Anthem to Tony Keith's 'Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue.'

Texts From Last Nite Moment of the Day

(951): she faked being pregnant for 2 months? so does that mean she didn't drink for 2 months? cuz that would be awful
(760): thats what you are concerned about? that she couldn't drink?

They're Playing Basketball!

After two week when I'm convinced Nebraska was trying to ruin my life its easy to feel like all is lost. And then I remember basketball season starts this week and I get to glomb back onto my beloved Lakers.

It reminds me of a paper I did in college about the terror management theory, dealing with mortality salience and preference for teams. Basically, if I reminded of death I'll want to be closely associated with a winning team. Thus, when Nebraska lost to Tech I wanted to kill myself, but that also drove me to foster a closer bond with the Lakers because they're successful. They're like my disfunctional security blanket.

The Lake Show begins the season with a game against the crosstown Clippers tonite and the Lakers offseason acquaisition Ron Artest (above) will play his first regular season game as a Laker. Earlier this season wanted to do an interview with him so he set up his own photo shoot and hired his own model, despite the fact that SI asked him to do neither. I love me some Artest.

But he may have some competition in the form of coolest Laker from a dark horse candidate. That's right - Adam Morrison. I was surprised to read that he's very well aware the moustache looks ridiculous and he's not a complete tool.

Here's an excerpt from his interview with's Mike Trudell.

MT: Fair enough. Solely in terms of facial hair, which athletes did you look up to as a kid?
Morrison: I remember Black Jack McDowell*, the pitcher that flipped off the crowd and had the ‘stache going. Larry Bird had a little ‘stache growing too, but I just grew mine because I could. I’m proud of myself.
*The former right-handed pitcher played for the Chicago White Sox for the majority of his career and is now a musician with the rock band “Stickfigure.”

MT: Tell us more…
Morrison: Well, one of my teammates in college dared me to play with a mustache all year when we were joking back and forth, and it kind of grew an identity of its own.

MT: Do you see yourself as a role model to youngsters out there looking to grow their own facial hair?
Morrison: No. I want little kids to aspire to go above and beyond my facial hair capabilities.

I'm in love already. I love L.A.!

Aggies Hump It in Hub City

Texas A&M leaves Red Raiders searching for answers
By Alex Ybarra/Managing Editor

Trailing by two touchdowns to Texas A&M just before the half, it was loud and clear what fans wanted Saturday at Jones AT&T Stadium.

“No more Potts,” chanted the student section as Texas Tech players motioned with their hands to quiet down.

Those chanters got their wish after two possessions to start the second half. Potts was rooted in the pocket and sacked by A&M’s Von Miller. The ball squirted out of his hands and the Aggies recovered.

In came quarterback Seth Doege, who immediately showed more mobility and awareness than Potts. It didn’t change the outcome though, which was a crushing 52-30 loss to a rejuvenated Texas A&M team.

All the blame can’t be placed on Potts though, as Mike Leach, receiver Alexander Torres and defensive lineman Colby Whitlock put it after the game: This was a team loss, plain and simple.

“We have a great play and then not a real good play,” Leach said. “I mean, you can go through any position you want and the same description applies to all of them. You want safeties? How about linebackers? You know? Running backs? D-line? Quarterbacks? Hell yeah on quarterbacks.”

Some may question whether the absence of quarterback Steven Sheffield had any impact on the game.

Leach has said in previous weeks Sheffield brought a certain enthusiasm and leadership quality to not only the offense but the entire team.

He said Potts looked “statue-like” in the pocket and he never got in a rhythm. Potts turned the ball over three times while passing for 310 yards and two touchdowns on 25-of-36 passing.

I don't have much of a take from this game as my judgment was pretty clouded by o baby's, jager bombs, Coors Light and Boone's Farm challenges and my only means of experiencing the game was through Clay's car stereo in the West Commuter Lot. There were more than a few Tech fans who told me they had a bad feeling going into this game, especially with Potts starting but honestly I thought any QB could have torched the Wrecking Crew. I guess almost any quarterback could. If its any consolation to Tech fans, I doubt Zac Lee would do any better.

I did have a pretty good time in the Hub from what I can remember. Saturday night was a blur and my stomach paid the price on Sunday/Monday. I don't think I can really indulge like that anymore unless I want to start shaving months off my life. But luckily, I didn't do anything stupid so that's nice. Maybe I'll make it up for the OU game but I can't party that hard.

On this day in...

On this day in...
1682 – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is founded.
1904 – The first underground New York City Subway line opens; the system becomes the biggest in United States, and one of the biggest in world.
1964 – Ronald Reagan delivers a speech on behalf of Republican candidate for president, Barry Goldwater. The speech launched his political career and came to be known as "A Time for Choosing".
1992 – United States Navy radioman Allen R. Schindler, Jr. is brutally murdered by shipmates for being gay, precipitating first military, then national, debate about gays in the military that resulted in the United States "Don't ask, don't tell" military policy.

1858 – Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States (d. 1919)
1940 – John Gotti, American gangster (d. 2002)
1941 – Dick Trickle, American auto racer
1942 – Lee Greenwood, American singer
1982 – Patrick Fugit, American actor
1984 – Brady Quinn, American football player

A pretty nice batch of of birthdays with Brady Quinn, the singer of 'God Bless the USA' and the man with quite possibly the best name ever, Dick Trickle.

Husker Don't: Nebraska has eight turnovers against ISU

Turnovers doom Huskers against Iowa State
By BRIAN CHRISTOPHERSON / Lincoln Journal Star

Turnovers 8, Huskers 7.

Take those numbers and run with them. Just don’t fumble.

There was a little rain, but no sleet or snow. The football wasn’t greased, as far as we know.

It just appeared that way Saturday afternoon at Memorial Stadium. Many Husker fans will go to confession for their foul mouths on a day Nebraska turned the ball over eight times, four coming inside the Iowa State 6-yard line.

There is bizarre and then there is that level beyond that explains Iowa State’s 9-7 win against the Huskers.

“Eight turnovers,” Husker coach Bo Pelini said. “We could have gotten run out of the stadium. I don’t know if I’ve ever been around that in my coaching career. You can’t win a football game like that.”

“It was just like a force field to get across the goal line,” said sophomore wide receiver Brandon Kinnie.

Nebraska fumbled seven times and lost five.

For Husker fans, annoyance became concern, and finally settled at disbelief.

Pelini said he didn’t want to say his team beat itself, because that would take credit from what Iowa State did. Indeed, many of the turnovers were as much caused by Cyclones as lost by Huskers.

“I’m disappointed in our football team,” Pelini said. “I’m disappointed in it. It starts with me.”

After the game, junior nickel back Eric Hagg was asked if he’s ever been in a game where a team turns the ball over eight times.

“I haven’t,” Hagg said. “But on Madden (the video game) it happens sometimes.”

Oh, how the Huskers wish they could push the reset button.

You wanna talk about turnovers? This game turned my stomach. Another god awful performance by the Nebraska offense, which used a steady combination of interceptions and fumbles to spoil a spectacular effort by the Blackshirts and a tremendous individual performance by DT Ndamukong Suh.

How bad is the Big Red O? Well they've drawn rave reviews recently like these.

Mark Schlabach's Off the Mark - 1. Nebraska
The Cornhuskers had eight turnovers -- five fumbles and three interceptions -- in a 9-7 loss to Iowa State. It was the Cyclones' first victory in Lincoln since 1977.'s Not Hot List
3. The Nebraska Offense
Against decent opponents, Zac Lee and the Husker offense have wilted all season. In the last four games with BCS opponents, they’ve produced just 59 points and a bunch of miscues. In Saturday’s ugly home loss to Iowa State, Nebraska failed to score a point over the final three quarters and Lee was picked off three times. Expect some changes in Lincoln because the status quo just isn’t working on offense.

Watching this game was honestly like watching a high school offense, but not a good offense like OHS. Maybe like Rotan High. But I trek forward with my favorite team. Hey, its just like Terrelle Pryor's wide receiver said about his play, "it has to get better, it can't get much worse."

Crushing the Coach: Who Ya Got?

Chiefs' Johnson takes swipe at Haley in Twitter post

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) -- Kansas City Chiefs running back Larry Johnson used a gay slur for the second time in as many days Monday, the Kansas City Star reported on its Web site.

Johnson refused to speak with reporters, a day after the Chiefs' 37-7 home loss to the Chargers. Sitting in front of his locker, he turned away and muttered the slur in telling reporters to get "out of here," according to the Star, which recorded the comment.

On Sunday, Johnson belittled rookie head coach Todd Haley on Twitter in a series of posts that also included the same gay slur.

The Twitter remarks were posted after San Diego routed the Chiefs (1-6).

One tweet read: "My father got more creditentials than most of these pro coaches." That was followed by: "My father played for the coach from "rememeber the titans". Our coach played golf. My father played for redskins briefley. Our coach. Nuthn."

The tweets drew responses, including one that referred to a nightclub incident in which Johnson was accused of spitting in someone's face.

Johnson's response include a three-letter gay slur. The final post read: "Make me regret it. Lmao. U don't stop my checks. Lmao. So 'tweet' away."

Full story here.

A lot of hullabaloo has come about in the last day or so after the Chiefs Larry Johnson criticized Chiefs coach Todd Haley and referred to him as a 'fag' in Twitter posts. But what has missed out and garnering the same national attention is the comments made by UCLA freshman receiver Randall Carroll who referred to legendary college offensive coordinator Norm Chow as a 'nigga.' Chow, of course being Asian.

Tweet from UCLA player's account uses racial epithet for Norm Chow
By Chris Foster/LA Times

A Twitter message sent by UCLA freshman Randall Carroll to a top high school recruit complained about Bruins offensive coordinator Norm Chow and referred to him with a racial epithet.

The post, from the account of OCiAM, dated Oct. 22, referred to the Bruins' last three games before Saturday and read, "man oregon, stanford and cal should have been easy wins ,, but [expletive] thys [racial slur] norm chow dnt be trustin us ,, so it is what it is."

Carroll directed the tweet to the attention of La Cañada St. Francis High running back Dietrich Riley. It also could be seen by the public.

"I was frustrated, tired of losing," Carroll said Saturday after UCLA's 27-13 loss to Arizona. "I wasn't trying disrespect Norm Chow in any way. . . . He was one of the reasons I came here. I was just saying I didn't feel like he trusted us, because we are such a young bunch. I wasn't downgrading his coaching."

So my question is, who is the bigger bonehead? My first inclination is to go with Johnson. This certainly isn't his first negative brush with an authority figure as he has had his issues with Joe Paterno and Herm Edwards in the past. But on some level I can understand his concern about playing for someone who hasn't played the game. I hate it when athletes tell writers that can't properly comment about the game because they didn't play but I can see how a coach might need that background to connect with his players. I just think LJ could have refrained from questioning's Haley's sexuality.

But calling the greatest offensive mind in college history a nigga on a message board might be the ultimate absent minded move. I guess I missed it when Twitter and Facebook turned our athletes into 16-year-old girls. I'm wondering how long it is before they start 'sexting' during games or updating the media on who their BFF's and frienemies are each week. I guess some things about technology are bound to suck. I do enjoy my iPhone though.

Don't Toy With Me!

Cops: Man claims bag of stolen goods just sex toys
Associated Press

SALEM, Mass. — A man has been arrested for breaking into three cars after police spotted him carrying a suspicious bag he said was filled with his former wife's sex toys.

Michael Conway was ordered Monday held on $5,000 cash bail for felony larceny. However, he was detained without bail on the probation violations.

According to a police report, the 34-year-old was seen by a Salem patrolman around 3 a.m. Monday walking around town with an empty bag. An hour later, police saw Conway with a full bag.

Conway told police he was carrying his former wife's sex toys. But inside police said they found credit cards, an iPod, a GPS device and a number of other items.

The robber really screwed the pooch on this one. I guess he was thinking that if he said something embarrassing was in the bag like sex toys the cops would just let him go on his merry way and not investigate. But I'm under the other school of thought.

Just like the cop I'd want to take a look in the bag and see what kind of sex toys we're talking about. Sure, it could just be your everyday, average vibrator or it could be something crazy I've never seen before. Who knows? This robber was wrong to underestimate the curiosity of the cop.

Monday, October 26, 2009

BYB One Day Vacation

The hangover fairy has visited me with punishment for Saturday's fun in Lubbock. Call it the coal in my drunk's stocking. So I'm taking Monday off for reflection and crying. The BYB shall return Tuesday with worthwhile news. Peace!

Friday, October 23, 2009

F My Life Moment of the Day

Today, I realized that choosing to live in the honors dorms was a terrible mistake. Quiet hours start at 6 PM and the only exception is if you are a member of the university marching band, which means you can practice your instrument at anytime in the lounge... located next to my room. FML

Today, I stumbled upon my girlfriend's Twitter account that I didn't know existed. A recent entry states that living with me is pathetic; "it's just that the current economical situation doesn't leave her with many options." FML

College Football Picks

There's not many bets that I'm in love with this week. I haven't lost any money the last two weeks since I haven't bet. If I would have bet my picks last week I'd be singing and washing dishes for my beer this weekend in Lubbock.

Since there are very few "big" games this week I've just got a few picks. If you'd like any other betting advice just put the game and the line in the Comments section and I'll tell ya what I think.

Winners are bolded

Georgia Tech -4 at Virginia
The Cavs have fooled me a time or two this season but I still think they're just awful. After another strong rushing performance last week I'll take GT to win here and give up the four points.

Clemson at Miami -6 1/2
I like the Hurricanes at home here. Clemson has been up and down all season and horrendous on the road with a loss to lowly Maryland. I'll take Miami and give up 6 1/2 at Land Shark Stadium. By the way, is that named after the beer? Get back to me on that.

A&M at Tech -21
I know one shouldn't get so wrapped up in one game but after what K State was able to do to A&M I don't know how anyone could possibly pick A&M in this game. I think I'd give the Aggies 31 points in this one. Tech rolls big.

Oregon -7 at Washington
Oregon has looked strong since the Boise loss. Washington has been strong at home this season with the only home loss coming to LSU. But something tells me Oregon isn't about to slow down this week. I think the Ducks get a 10 point win in this one.

TCU -2 1/2 at BYU
BYU has put up some decent numbers since the loss to Florida State but I like the Horned Frogs by at least a touchdown in this one. I think TCU finally hit another gear against Colorado State last week. The home field will keep it from being a blowout but I think TCU looks convincing in this one.

Wal Mart Person of the Day

This guy has to be my favorite Wal Mart Person ever. He's from Florida.