Man caught befouling car indicted
By Ashley Meeks/Sun-News reporter
LAS CRUCES - A teen who allegedly defecated in a man's car - thinking it was his girlfriend's - was indicted Thursday on multiple charges of criminal property damage.
Leaving work late the night of March 11, the car's owner reported finding 18-year-old Austin Horries Purifoy in the back seat of his Honda Civic, pulling up his underwear.
"This is your car?" Purifoy said, according to documents filed in court. "I thought this was Desiree's car."
Purifoy then allegedly got out of the car and ran west.
The car's right front window had been shattered with a rock, the glove box had been rummaged through and some coins had been taken from a film canister, the car's owner told police.
Police also discovered a cinder block had been thrown through the glass door of a business a few yards away from where the Honda had been parked. Footprints leading from the door to the Honda were later found to match Purifoy's shoes, which had a distinctive dot and circle pattern, according to court documents.
Located not long after by a nearby ditch, Purifoy allegedly told officers he was outside because he didn't want his "girlfriend" Desiree to see him smoking.
Purifoy, of the 2700 block of Ridgeway Court, was indicted Thursday by a Do-a Ana County grand jury on two charges of criminal property damage - for the broken glass door and the victim's car - and one charge of breaking and entering.
Let me first say that it's never an enjoyable experience to have you car broken into, much less to have it defecated in. But there are only victims in this story. That's why I think they ought to let this kid of jail with no peanlty aside from having to pay for the damamge. Sure, I;d be pretty mad if I found my window busted and some punk from OHS dropping a duece in my back seat but if he told me a sob story about his girlfriend doing him wrong then I don't think I could find it in my heart to press charges. The real villain in this story is probably Desiree. I don't know what she did to inspire a car crapping but it must have been pretty lousy.
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