Mich. fugitive found in Pa. bar in hospital gown
Associated Press
PITTSBURGH — A fugitive wanted for bank robbery in Michigan is in custody after police say he walked out of a Pittsburgh hospital and into a bar wearing only his hospital gown, with an intravenous needle still his arm.
Authorities say police were called to JR's Bar Friday night after 20-year-old Elbert Lewis Thompson II walked in from Allegheny General Hospital. Thompson was taken into custody a short time later.
Police in Vandergrift say Thompson had been detained by officers after fleeing a traffic stop there, about 25 miles northeast of Pittsburgh. He was initially hospitalized after complaining of feeling sick and losing consciousness.
Thompson is wanted in Oakland County, Michigan, for armed robbery and other charges. It was not immediately clear if he had an attorney.
You've got to love this guy's dedication to drinking. He just strolled out of a hospital with needles in his arm and instead of skipping town or hiding from the cops he mosied on down to the local watering hole and got himself some booze. I wonder how freaked out the people in the bar were when he walked in with a hospital gown barely covering his ass. Of course in a Pittsburgh bar that's probably not the first time such a thing has happened.
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