Mich. county seeks to prevent shouting at inmates
PAW PAW, Mich. -A new law takes effect in early December making it illegal to give a shout-out to an inmate at the Van Buren County Jail. A century-old section of the jail in the heart of Paw Paw has no air conditioning, so its barred windows are opened in warm weather. The wing stands only a few feet from the sidewalk, separated from it by a tall chain-link fence crowned by spirals of razor wire.
The open windows serve as an open invitation for some people to stand outside and yell for their friends and loved ones inside. Sometimes they hold entire conversations together.
Sheriff Dale Gribler asked county commissioners for help. They adopted an ordinance in September that makes shouting at inmates a misdemeanor — punishable by up to 90 days in jail.
This is complete BS. If this prison wants to cut down on communication from inmates to citizens then they should pony up the money and put some AC in the jail. They can't go around punishing people for finding loopholes. I understand there could be safety concerns but c'mon, this isn't Huntsville or Supermax, it's Paw Paw. I don't think the shout outs are in reference to escape plans or drug deals. In a town named after someone's grandpa the shotuing probably is more like "how's your day goin?"
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