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Friday, November 20, 2009


Achoo! Girl, 12, is sneezing 10 times a minute
Lauren Johnson has been sneezing thousands of times a day for weeks
By Mike Celizic/ contributor

With metronomic regularity, the girl’s right arm rises to her face, her hand balled into a fist and partially covered by her sleeve. If Lauren Johnson is talking, she stops when her hand arrives at her nose. Then she sneezes. It’s not a big sneeze, but she has to stop to let it out. Then the hand drops and she resumes whatever she was doing. A few seconds later, the action is repeated.

Talk. Sneeze. Play. Sneeze. Sit still. Sneeze. Eat. Sneeze.

As many as 12 times a minute and 12,000 times a day, 12-year-old Lauren sneezes. And there’s nothing that six professionals, including doctors, a psychologist and a hypnotist, have been able to do to stop it.

“It gets old after a while,” said Lauren. Even that short sentence was bracketed by the sneezes that began on Nov. 1 and haven’t stopped since.

Rest of story here.

Bless this poor little girl's heart. I can't even imagine what it would be like to sneeze that many times in a day. I know I hate it when I get the hiccups and that's 10-15 minutes tops. If it went on for more than two weeks I might be tempted to put a gun in my mouth and say goodbye to this cruel world. Especially if doctors just looked at me stupid and said I was screwed. What do they mean theres no remedy? They're doctors. Shouldn't they be able to crack this case? It sounds like they'll try anything. Might I suggest a shaman and a voodoo princess. I might even try a crack on the skull with a shovel. Something's got to give.

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