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Monday, November 30, 2009

F My Life Moment of the Day

Today, I was wrapping Christmas presents for various people;17 to be exact. It wasn't until I placed the last present on top of the stack that I realized I didn't put gift tags on any of them. FML

Today, Me and my girlfriend went and saw "The Blind Side." I sobbed throughout the entire movie. My girlfriend didn't shed a tear. FML

Let me tell you, that 'Blind Side' is a tear jerker. I continued my streak of not crying at movies but I was choking them back. Definitely worth a trip to the theater.


  1. Movie was great but I wish they could've gone more into the recruiting aspect of the story like they did in the book.

    Weird that there is a Sandra Bullock movie that can make you cry b/c it's good rather than cry b/c of how god awful it is. (The Proposal)

  2. Why did you watch The Proposal? I know youre married but that movie is where I would put my foot down.

  3. I figured that with Ryan Reynolds it couldn't be THAT bad. Boy was I wrong.
