Record attempt reaps $26K phone bill
By BILL BERGSTROM - Associated Press Writer
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Their thumbs sure must be sore.
Two central Pennsylvania friends spent most of March in a text-messaging record attempt, exchanging a thumbs-flying total of 217,000.
For one of the two, that meant an inches-thick itemized bill for $26,000.
Nick Andes, 29, and Doug Klinger, 30, were relying on their unlimited text messaging plans to get them through the escapade, so Andes didn’t expect such a big bill.
“It came in a box that cost $27.55 to send to me,” he said Tuesday. He said he “panicked” and called T-Mobile, which told The Associated Press it had credited his account and was investigating the charges.
The two Lancaster-area residents have been practically nonstop texters for about a decade since they attended Berks Technical Institute together.
That led Andes to search for the largest monthly text message total he could find posted online: 182,000 sent in 2005 by Deepak Sharma in India.
Andes and Klinger were able to set up their phones to send multiple messages. During a February test run they found they could send 6,000 or 7,000 messages on some days, prompting the March messaging marathon.
“Most were either short phrases or one word, ‘LOL’ or ‘Hello,’ things like that, with tons and tons of repeats,” said Andes, reached by phone.
I'm going to have to go ahead and throw the bullshit flag on this one. To me if you want to break a text message record you should be sending a unique, geunine message each time. It can't be that hard. Hell, Boscoe and I exchange 7-10 texts a day which are based around Italian racial slurs I make towards him. Imagine if I applied myself.
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