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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Make a wrong turn and its the glue factory for you!

Seeing-Eye Horse Kicks Up Controversy

A disabled Texas woman has sparked a controversy with her use of a seeing-eye horse.

Fort Worth's Tabitha Darling, who is legally blind and has a bone condition that makes walking painful, uses her pony Trixie to help her navigate the world. ABC News reports that Darling and the animal go everywhere, from places like Dairy Queen to Target.

Embedded video from CNN Video

"She means the world to me," Darling told WFAA. "[Trixie's] not just a working animal, but -- well -- my friend."

But some in the city's disabled community question Darling's use of Trixie, saying there are animals other than a horse that the woman could be paired with.

"She doesn't need to be riding it around like Lady Godiva in a store," Carolyn Finefrock told WFAA. Finefrock, whose vision is even worse than Darling's, uses a seeing-eye dog and gets around with a wheelchair.

This horse is a freaking genious. If I have any readers in For Worth can you please get me some video of this horse in Target or at the drive through lane? In fact run up and snag her burgers and see if the horse freaks out. Give them back after though. I'm not advocating fuc*king with the blind. That's mean.

And the lady with the dog can just zip it. I think she's just jealous she didn't think of it.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting the story and your compliment. I am Tabitha Darling. As to Trixie's reaction, she would probably be offended. She's used to getting lunch or dinner when I do (we eat out alot together) I would NOT recommend anyone try a prank. I've been in situations where a man tried to hurt her, chase us, someone once threw lit fireworks at us, dogs have attacked among other things over the years. I would put my life down to protect her, for all she's done for me. And the only reason I do these news deals is to get folks thinking. Whats amusing, are those who think this is an attention thing. I think they forget that every single time I head out to do anything with her we always get a crowd. An everyday occurance. News bits are nothing.
