Jilted lover fly-posts pics of ex-boyfriend's privates
Lhe Local
An 18-year-old woman in northern Sweden has been charged with harassment after taping pictures of her ex-boyfriend's private parts on lampposts near his home.
The scorned teen also scrawled her 24-year-old ex-boyfriend's name and phone number on the pictures, along with an unflattering comment about the size of his sex organ, Expressen reports.
Appalled that her former beau had ended their short dalliance, the 18-year-old peppered him with text messages imploring him to rethink matters.
On hearing that he had met a 23-year-old woman and did not want anything more to do with her, the enraged poster girl swiftly redirected her ire at her new love rival. She began hanging up pictures of the woman, her cleavage heavily exposed, with a note suggesting she was a "slut" who was only interested in the 24-year-old for sex.
The 18-year-old also hurled eggs at, and affixed pictures to, her ex-lover's car.
When questioned by police, the young woman confessed to committing an offence and said she realised that what she did was wrong.
This guy must be having a rough week. First he has a crazy ex-girlfriend badgering him and now everyone in his neighborhood knows he has a small wang. Plus some people have his phone number. Imagine the amount of crank calls he's getting from people wanting to buy vienna sausage or offering to sell him Extenze. I'm pretty sure this guy has to move now and if his new girlfriend wasn't having sex with him yet she sure won't be now that she knows about what he's got going on downstairs. There's a good lesson in all this. Never send a teenage girl pictures of your junk. Greg Oden learned that one the hard way but at least he was packing.
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