In the words of musical genious Shania Twain, "They said 'I'll bet they'll never make it.' But just look at us holding on. We're still together, still going strong."
The BYB celebrates its 2,000th post today and its been one heck of a ride. We're inching close to the one year anniversary and if Big Nasty Tees come through for me, we should have some t-shirts for sale real soon.
My ascent in the blog world got me nostalgic for my genesis and I delved through what is the abandoned amusement park of my MySpace page to find my first ever blog. Its a quick rundown of my life at the time and some football predictions. Some things never change.
Here's the intro:
Websters defines a blog as a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer.
I always wanted to do that.
There's not much reason or rhyme to me writing a blog but I decided to do it anyway. Writing in a journal always appealed to me but it came off a little fruity.
In the latest Kyle news...being a grown up sucks. Every day I wake up, go to work, and try to have a positive outlook on the events that unfold during the day. Many of those events leave me feeling inept.
And I thought living in my brother's back yard and working at Athletic Supply was the worst it was ever going to get. Little did I know I had a failed venture in Brownsville (aka Hell) and a return to the Back Yard in my future. Oh well, at least I got two more years of drinking in Lubbock and another useless degree out of it. But more importantly I started this blog and I'm glad yall enjoy it and if you don't then screw you. Where's your blog?
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