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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

C'mon Baby Light My Fire

The Undertaker Flips Out Backstage Last Night After Being Burned
By Ryan Clark/

As noted late last night here on the website, The Undertaker suffered burns to his chest as a result of a pyrotechnic malfunction during his entrance when flames reached and burned his jacket as he made his way ringside for his match at last night's WWE Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. Upon catching on fire, he immediately ripped off his coat and sprinted towards the ring. He then doused himself with bottles of water before and during his scheduled match in the Elimination Chamber. The referee in charge of his chamber kept feeding him water bottles throughout the night.

After the match, 'Taker stormed up the ramp staring directly at the pyrotechnic area, stopped at the top of the stage (right next to the spot the pyro accidentally burned him) and yelled something at the pyrotechnics and made a threatening gesture before exiting the stage. Company sources indicate Taker was extremely upset about the situation upon returning to the locker room, though officials tried calming him down. He was yelling at numerous people upon arriving backstage after the match as management tried to chill him out. This was obviously an unfortunate accident but that's not the guy you want to piss off.

Well, good thing he's already dead because that fire ball looked like it hurt pretty bad. Apparently Taker's burns weren't too serious, nothing on the scale of Michael Jackson's pyro injury but of course the King of Pop didn't have to wrestle a 30 minute match after he got burned. Imagine having to take breaks in a wrestling match to pour water on your burns. Ouch. Here's hoping Taker makes a speedy recovery.

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