Marshmallow 'moon' marks NASA anniversary
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -NASA is celebrating the 40th anniversary of man's first steps on the lunar surface with a giant moon pie.
The concoction of marshmallow squeezed between two round graham crackers and dipped in chocolate is normally made in a hand-sized portion.
NASA's oversized treat will be available a slice at a time to visitors Monday to the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in Cape Canaveral.
The anniversary moon pie is 40 inches in diameter, six inches high and weighs 55 pounds. That includes six pounds of chocolate and 14 pounds of marshmallow.
I didn't get around to the whole Moon landing anniversary yesterday because I didn't think it was that big of a deal and most people know what I think about the landing. Like that it was a giant, phony ripoff filmed somewhere in California. I don't consider myself a conspiracy nut. This is about the only wacky govt. conspiracy belief I have. But how can I be wrong?
To believe in the moon landing you essentially have to believe that we were better at space travel in the 1950s than we are now. I understand the argument that we took it more seriously in those days but given the laundry list of technological advances of the last 40 years, many of which being helpful to the aeronautical field, I find it illogical. We're better at everything technologically now than we were in 1959 but not space? That's just plain wacky.
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