Accused drunk driver blames swine flu
WELLINGTON, New Zealand - A New Zealand woman had a novel defence when she appeared in court on a drunk-driving charge: It was swine flu's fault.
Business manager Deborah Karen Graham sought clemency for the charge in the southern city of Queenstown on Monday, saying the three glasses of wine she had consumed were more potent because she was recovering from the virus.
"She had swine flu. She was just getting over it ... and she thinks because she had the flu it may have hit her harder," said Graham's defence counsel Nicole Murphy.
Judge Kevin Phillips was having none of it.
"Swine flu seems to be the 'in' submission for everything at the moment. I reject all that," he said, fining Graham $360 and disqualifying her from driving for six months.
Well this judge can just take a long walk off a short pier. He's ruining quite possibly the best excuse since "the Jews did it." I'm going to start wearing this one out like some 85 wranglers. What, I forgot to write a press release. Swine flu, boom! Now if I can just find me a shifty ass doctor to diagnose me I'll be in business. Or if I want to go legit I can always just kiss McIntosh. He's a carrier of epic proportions.
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