Shaquille O'Neal is burning Jim Rome
USA Today
It used to be said about those who disagreed with newspaper writers that you should never argue with anyone who buys ink by the barrel. But social networking has leveled that playing field and no one knows that better than NBA superstar Shaquille O'Neal.
When TV host Jim Rome criticized O'Neal's career, said he wasn't as dedicated as Kobe and warned the Celtics not to sign him, O'Neal picked the biggest club he had to retaliate -- Twitter.
Among the things he said to his three million followers at The Real Shaq:
Those that dnt respect your hard work, its ok, make em respect u as a person.
If u wanna see shaq box jim rome live on espn. I do if he wins ill donate my salary to a charity of his choice
And forget the back and forth jim rome, I challenge u to a boxing match, live at espn studios, show the world if u can bak up the tuff talk
Jim rome, I am happy with my career and the legacy that I have left behind, obviously u r not happy wit yur legacy I 4got u have no legacy about.
I'm certainly no fan of Shaq's right now as the Big Benedict Arnold just signed on to play for the Evil Empire aka the Celtics. And I can't help but agree with Jim Rome's assertion that Shaq wasn't the most dedicated player ever, especially significantly less so than Kobe Bryant. That said, Jim Rome is still a giant douchey weasel who deserves to have a size 21 shoe placed squarely in his ass. So, whether Shaq gets him in the ring or not, I'm hoping the Diesel does get revenge in this case. Even if he has to turn over a few desks to do so.
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