An interesting casting choice for the Kurt Warner story
USA Today
Former Super Bowl-winning quarterback Kurt Warner has stayed busy in retirement with projects including work as an NFL analyst and sorting through offers for reality shows that could include Dancing With The Stars.
But if Brenda Warner was the casting director, the movie about her husband's life may be the most fascinating.
This from Paola Boivin's column in the Arizona Republic:
He has met with producers interested in doing a movie on his life story. If Brenda had her way, Warner said, Denzel Washington would land the lead role.
"It would probably challenge Denzel in ways he's never been challenged before," Warner mused.
Not to be racist or anything, but wouldn't it be more appropriate to have a white actor play Kurt Warner. I guess I could see if they were going to do this as a "loosely based on a true story" type tale then the race of the actor wouldn't matter but I'm pretty sure everyone is going to know the movie is about Kurt Warner. Then the idea just gets stupid. It would have been like hiring Russell Crowe to play Ali.
Plus, what the hell is Brenda talking about that this role would challenge Denzel in a way like never before? I'm pretty sure playing Malcolm X and the dirty cop from Training Day is a bit more challenging than playing your douchebag husband. So unless you're talking about the challenge of playing a different color ala Kirk Lazarus then you're just talking out your ass. It could be your face. They look fairly similar.
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