Tim Tebow To Model Jockey Underwear
Huffpost Sports
Tim Tebow isn't having trouble keeping busy during the NFL lockout.
According to ESPN's Adam Schefter, the Denver Broncos quarterback will model Jockey underwear in his commercial debut next week.
Tebow will reportedly be featured in a "blitz of magazine ads and television appearances."
"People may say it's underwear, but everyone wears underwear -- it's not like I'm doing something risque," Tebow said this week from his home in Denver. "I wouldn't do anything that goes against what I stand for. The whole campaign is very classy."
In July of last year, Tebow signed a multi-year deal to be a spokesman for Jockey.
I was wondering when Tim Tebow was going to start making some TV ads for Jockey. Sure, he only started a couple games last year but you'd think that Jockey would want to make some money off their investment. I commend Tebow for strutting his junk around to make some money. Hell, with the economy tanked and a lockout going on even ultra-Christian quarterbacks have got to make ends meet somehow. I think they should go with a slogan like – “Jockey: So tight they keep Tim's junk pure.” Or “Jockey: No holes but always holy.” I'm just spitballing here but I'm not freeballing.
P.S. - Didn't Jockey miss the boat here? You'd think with his busy pants dropping schedule Jockey would have tried to get Dez Bryant. Then you get product placement at the mall too.

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