Westboro Baptist Cranking Up the Crazy Bus
According to a TMZ.com report Westboro Baptist has picked Liz Taylor's funeral as their first high profile protest spot since an 8-1 Supreme Court decision earlier this month that upheld the church's right to protest at U.S. soldiers’ funerals.
Westboro preacher Fred Phelps’ daughter Margie Phelps (can’t imagine why a nice guy hasn’t snatched her up yet) announced on Twitter today that they would be picketing Taylor’s funeral.
While Taylor wasn’t gay, (as her numerous marriages would certainly indicate) apparently her friendship with Michael Jackson and work with AIDS charities was enough to earn her a nod as some sort of "gay enabler." I just think Westboro was itching so bad to get back on the road they would have picketed anyone. I mean, have you ever spent three weeks in Kansas?
Well, here’s hoping their caravan all blows a tire and drives into the Grand Canyon.
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