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Thursday, March 11, 2010

BYB - One Year Down

It's been one year since I began the Back Yard Blog. Well, actually it's been a year and two days since I started the Back Yard Blog. That's right, I forgot about my blog's anniversary. I even wrote it down on paper but I lose things. I feel like Frank "The Tank" Ricard when he forgot his birthday. But the point remains that we've been going strong for one year. Here's hoping for another year (barring my untimely death of course.)

In all seriousness I appreciate everyone who reads the BYB. I gives me a big thrill when I see someone and they tell me they enjoy it. I know its no big deal but this thing means a lot to me and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

Now in the spirit of me going Frank the Tank on the anniversary date here's one of Will Ferrell's best sketches from Saturday Night Live.

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