Sunday, March 21
4:52 p.m. - That's it! My bracket is officially fucked. Way to go Gary Williams. I wish you only the worst in your future endeavors.
12:48 p.m. - My national champ Syracuse lookedgood today. With Kansas outand acouplemore twists of good luck I could be sitting pretty going into the Sweet 16. And K$ won't stop dancing this morning.
Saturday, March 20
7:11 p.m. - That Kansas loss could keep me alive even after losing Villanova. I need a Maryland win like the desert needs the rain.
5:04 p.m. - A Murray State win would have been nice but it wasn't in the cards. All apologies to B-Dub but a Baylor loss would help me. I'm stuffed on pork and drinking cold beer.
3:12 p.m. - I know it was you Scottie Reynolds. You broke me heart. There ain't a cure for losing a Final Four team. But big beers and Bone Daddy's is pretty close.
Friday, March 19
11:11 p.m. - if Maryland loses I'm offing myself. Other than that I'm peachy.
8:21 p.m. - Recharged my batteries and watched 'The Rocker.' great film. Now I'm having a beer at McSwiggin's and anxiously awaiting the Shaggy One's arrival. And that GT/ Okie State game is quite exciting.
6:32 p.m. - they've got fix this early evening hiatus on the tourney. Break for news? Kronkite is dead. Leave it be. I'm in a funk. Luckily Girl Scout cookies and Boones Farm will help me pull through.
3:52 p.m. - Me and K$ are rooting for a Wofford win. I'm rooting against badgers and I'm rooting for beaver. There's a little blue comedy for ya.
3:27 p.m. - Amber the bartender from 3rd Base "demanified" my bracket. She likes me alot more than she likes K$.
1:31 p.m. - The West Region of my bracket is covered with X's. Syracuse & Kansas State better take care of business or I'm screwed. And how bout that Cornell win? I've got em Sweet 16 but Andy Bernard has em winning it all!
1:04 p.m. - I'm sure I could find a team more overrated if I tried but 2010 Texas would be in the running. I wish I could find the guy at Chili's who told me Texas was better than Kansas. I'd like to beat his ass in front of his kid. And I'm drinking beer again.
11:23 a.m. - Just got out of the shower after enjoying a chicken biscuit from Chik-fil-A. Watching West Virginia bang my bracket. Everyone's morning should start this way.
1:52 a.m. - the nite concludes with a screening of 'Teen Wolf.' been drinking for 16 hours. To quote a horrible songwriter "I aint as good as I once was but I'm as good once as I ever was.
12:08 a.m. - Me and K$ are finishing the night at McSwiggin's. Good Irish bar. Heard Texas lost. I'll cry eyes out for the Horns. Big day tommorrow.
Thursday, March 18
9:02 p.m. - Oh, Washington. Thank You for saving my Sweet 16. The feet bleeding has halted.
6:36 p.m. - arguing why Tuberville is turning Tech for the better. And drinking a bigbeer. Check Facebook
5:49 p.m. - UTEP is straight up effing me. Gonna lose my second Sweet 16 team. Is it not bad enough El Paso introduced us to Mr. Muench. Now they've got to destroy my bracket too.
5:23 p.m. - They should stagger this tournament better. Despite the best effort of UTEP this hour is lagging.
4:03 p.m. - Couldv'e used that Baylor loss. Murray State win was huge. The bar went nuts. The middle aged, bald bar manager said Murray State was the "cinderella story." I'm pretty sure he tosses off to Chat Roulette.
2:30 p.m. - Just got to 3rd Base Bar in Frsico. Lost a Sweet 16 team in Notre Dame. Flirted with death with a Final Four team in Villanova. If Baylor gets upset I'm doin good. But my bracket sucks and my feet bleed. More to come soon.
get yourself hydrated so you can do it again! hydration is the key my young friend!