Drunk mom allegedly runs through school with sword
The Associated Press
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Police said the mother of an elementary school student drank a 40 ounce bottle of malt liquor before brandishing a sword in her child's school. The woman, 32, apparently intended to confront the parents of another child who had been in a spitting match with her child the previous day.
According to court records, an employee at Riverview Elementary School in Memphis reported a drunk woman armed with a sword was running through the halls of the school and had threatened to cut her.
Officers who arrived on the scene retrieved a black cane that concealed the blade. The woman charged with aggravated assault and having a weapon on school property.
Say what you want about this lady being drunk with a sword on school property but I'll tell you one thing, she knows how to defend her kid. She's not gonna let some bully spit on her kid. She's gonna dig her samarai sword out of the trunk in the attic, down a fifth of McCormick and go midevil on that brat's ass. She may not have the best grip on reality but don't say she doesn't love her child. She's got my vote for Mother of the Year 2010.
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