Pizza-only diet could kill me, says scared Claire
Mature student Claire Simmons, 33, gags if she puts anything but a plain pizza slice in her mouth.
She also shakes the moment she is presented with any other type of food.
Now doctors have warned that her bizarre condition — known as Selective Eating Disorder — is increasing her risk of a stroke or heart attack in later life.
Simmons spoke out after The Sun highlighted the case of Stacey Irvine, 17, who survives on only chicken nuggets.
"I keep myself healthy with exercise and drink a lot of water," Simmons said. "But my GP says I'm storing up many problems for the future due to a lack of vitamins and minerals. This could lead to a stroke or heart attack."
To stay healthy, experts recommend a varied diet, including some five daily portions of fruit and vegetables. But Claire said "I'm actually scared of fruit and veg. I get so angry when people think I'm being faddy — this is a real medical condition."
This story has serious implications for my pizza loving friend Bobby. You know what, I'll buy that this may be a real medical condition but its also one she got by only eating pizza. Herpes is a medical condition too. One you get from having sex with a promiscuous person.
Even though she's had a lot of years of adulthood to work through this with doctors her parents have a lot of blame here as do Stacey Irvine's for letting her eat only chicken nuggets and fries for 17 years. Of course Irvine's case is even crueler because 1) she has serious medical issues now and 2) chicken nuggets are disgusting. I'd rather eat the stuff on Fear Factor for 17 years than nuggets.

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