New York Magazine is catching hell for posting the picture about on its website illustrating President Obama's "evolution" on gay marriage.
As you can imagine showing a black man evolving from an ape strikes a nerve with just a few African Americans.
I get where NY Magazine was trying to go with this. Its clever. But you think to take a strong step back from any comparison between black people and monkeys. I'm happy that we've made strides toward equality as of late with gay marriage becoming a possibility in more states but gay and lesbian supporters should remember they don't have a monopoly on being discriminated against.
Much like The Daily Show segment on PETA last week its not okay to compare the real or perceived persecutions against those you advocate for to what has been done to blacks in the United States. You're just going to end up looking stupid.
It might not hurt to not pile on the only president who has supported gay marriage in any way, shape or form too.
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