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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Big Kisser

Shaq Crawls into Stands, Hugs and Kisses Daniel Baldwin
By Larry Brown/

Shaq must be quite comfortable with his sexuality because he has no problems doling out kisses to men. Last season he pulled a Rafer Alston and kissed Caron Butler during a game against the Wizards. This time he kissed someone during a game but it wasn’t a fellow player. It was actor Daniel Baldwin who was sitting in the first row under the basket in Portland.

Well if I had to kiss a Baldwin Brother Daniel would easily be my third choice behind Alec. William comes in a distant second, mostly because Daniel is usually drunk/high so you could catch something from him. I'm just glad Shaq didn't kiss Stephen Baldwin. He would called him an abomination and gotten the FOX News viewership to picket Cavs games. At any rate, I'm glad to see Shaq is still having a good time out there.

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