151-Pound Cupcake Sets Guinness Record
MINNEAPOLIS (July 18) - A 151-pound cupcake in Minneapolis has been certified as the world's largest.
The 1-foot tall, 2-foot wide cupcake on display Saturday at the Minneapolis Mall of America had 15 pounds of fudge filling and 60 pounds of yellow icing.
Guinness World Records adjudicator Danny Girton Jr. called it a "fun and creative achievement."
The cupcake was made by cakes.com, which is run by cake-decoration supplier and marketer DecoPac.
Company spokeswoman Jamie Miller said the giant cupcake will go to a pig farm.
I admit that in the spirit of the improved BYB this story isn't quite filling the bill but the picture is pretty sweet (get the double meaning) and I am curious about Guinnesses' classification system. At what point does a cupcake become a regular cake? I thought the distinction was that a cupcake was a circular, single serving of cake. But this behemoth has to classify as a cake, correct? I'm probably putting way too much thought into this. Maybe I should shut my cake hole.
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