Police: Dunstable man beat guests after watching WWE
By Lisa Redmond, lredmond@lowellsun.com
AYER -- Call it WWE rage.
A 35-year-old Dunstable man is facing assault charges after he allegedly beat two of his guests severely after watching World Wrestling Entertainment on pay-per-view.
In Ayer District Court yesterday, a burly Charles Osborne, of 442 River St., Dunstable, was released on personal recognizance after pleading innocent to assault to murder and assault and battery in connection with an incident at his home on July 15. Judge Michael Brooks ordered Osborne, who appeared in court in a suit and tie, to stay away and have no contact with the victims in this case and possess no firearms.
A probable-cause hearing is scheduled for Sept. 18.
According to court documents, Nicole Chhouy, 36, and her friends Robert Hannon, 33, and Matthew Klays, 32, arrived at the Dunstable Police Department early in the morning of July 15 to report an assault. Chhouy was uninjured, but Klays complained of pain to his right knee and Hannon was bleeding from his face and nose.
The three told police they had been at Osborne's house watching World Wrestling Entertainment on pay-per-view TV. At one point, Hannon was sitting at the kitchen table when an unidentified bald man came up and punched him in the neck. At that point, the three friends left the house, but later returned, calling ahead to say they were coming to retrieve a cell phone that Chhouy had left behind.
As Hannon stayed in the car, Chhouy and Klays went to the front door. As Osborne's wife, Heather, handed Chhouy her phone, Osborne allegedly rushed out and pushed Klays to the ground. Worried that things were taking so long, Hannon approached the front door. As he did, Osborne allegedly punched him in the face and pushed him to the ground, then struck him in the face with a knee.
"Klays stated that he thought that Osborne was acting out (what they had seen) on WWE,'' police said in court documents.
As Chhouy and Heather Osborne yelled at Osborne to stop punching Hannon, Klays tried to pull Osborne off his friend. The group separated, and the three friends went to the Dunstable police and then were transported to Lowell General Hospital. Hannon was treated for multiple fractures.
Hey, don't be expect me to be all high and mighty here. Who hasn't wanted to try out a few snap suplexes and camel clutches after watching a good PPV. But I never have. Probably because I'm not on meth. Apparently everyone over the age of 8 who watches pro wrestling and is not named Kyle or Kelsey does. Everyone has their shameful secret I guess. I just have about 10 of them.
Charles Osborne (also a former N.E. Patriot and played for AZ prior) used to be my neighbor - he and his wife Heather are out of control, as were their 2 bullmastiffs who attacked my cat, my puppy, me and my kids. Chuck watched through his window as my new puppy was attacked by his dogs - and did nothing. He never apologized and refused to pay the vet bills. He also never paid for the plowing fees on our shared driveway. He and Heather had many late and crazy parties...where the guests thought it was funny to play with the electric fence collar and shock themselves. Heather has falled off her own balcony in a drunken stupor. The list goes on and own. These two don't belong in society.