If This Man Texts You, Do Not Answer
A high school baseball coach is on trial for inappropriate conduct with his players, but this one's different than the usual coach-student sex scandals.
Bartholomew McInerney (lovingly referred to as "Coach Bart"), has been coaching down at the Jersey Shore forever. He also allegedly likes to talk to his players about their masturbation habits. But he can't always be around, so he's made sure that at least a dozen of his former players text him every time they masturbate — even after they've gone off to college.
The money quotes:
Like several other victims, victim number 9 also admitted he carried on with the text messages after going off to college as a way to "make more money.'' Other alleged victims have testified that McInerney offered them up to $5 for each text message.
Earlier this morning, victims 3 and 11 admitted they too continued to text McInerney after going off to college.
Victim number 11 told jurors how McInerney initiated conversations with him about masturbation and introduced a code for texting him about masturbating. The code included a number for the duration of the act and a one-word description of how it felt - from bad to good to excellent.
For example, here's one I would have sent: "30 seconds. Tearful."
I guess this gives a whole new meaning to the word "sexting." I'm sure immediately after reading this story many of this guy's former players questioned many of the things Coach Bart had done or taught them. Like insisting that they "shag more balls," or the time he petitioned the school district to stop using metal bats because "nothing has a better feel than wood." It was even odder the time he showed up to team movie nite with a catchers mitt, expecting a circle jerk to break out.
P.S. - I wonder if any of these kids were smart enough to text him like 10 times a day. I doubt he could pay that on a coach's salary.
...or the time he told his 1st baseman that he was moving him in the batting order b/c he likes him better in the 2-hole
ReplyDeleteThat's a good one. I wish I were more baseball saavy.