I know a lot of Mavericks fans are upset today and I certainly understand that.
They’ve been waiting five years for a win in the NBA Finals and came up short last night but I know how they feel. I’ve been waiting two and a half months for Franklin and Bash and thus far I’ve gotten zilch. But that all ends tonight.
Tonight we embark upon a journey into TNT’s story of two devil may care lawyers that be about an accurate a depiction of the legal system as ‘Cop Rock’ was to law enforcement life.
The writing on the wall for this hackneyed show might as well have been scribbled on the back of the backboards during the NCAA Tourney when TNT first started inundating us with commercials for this bag of the same old occupational comedy crap with a 90’s teenybopper touch.
This show is doomed for a lot of reasons. In part because it’s going to suck but mainly because Mark Paul Gosselaar is on it. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some Zack Morris. I still watch ‘Saved By the Bell’ and his appearance as a gay for pay porn star on ‘SVU’ was great but this guy’s nickname should officially be changed from “Preppy” to “The Sitcom Killer.”
He rode the elevator to the ratings basement on NYPD Blue and then followed that with failed series like ‘Over There,’ ‘Commander in Chief,’ and another legal show, ‘Raising the Bar.’
If Jessica Simpson is sexual napalm then Zack Morris is television anthrax. He may be sexual napalm too for all I know. He did just get a divorce.
And I’m not the only one ready to throw ‘Franklin and Bash’ to the dogs. TV critics from the Boston Globe and St. Louis Post Dispatch have already banged the gavel on this nonsense.
From the Boston Globe:
The fact that TNT has scheduled “Franklin & Bash’’ as the summer lead-in for one of its best series, “Men of a Certain Age,’’ is programming irony of the worst kind.
The new show celebrates the bratty, smarmy side of masculinity, with a pair of young lawyers who tirelessly remind us they are too cool for the room. “Men of a Certain Age,’’ meanwhile, is a light, poignant glimpse at the humanity lurking beneath the flatness of male cultural roles. Turn to TNT at 10 and save yourself the disruptive elevator ride from the bottom to the top.
I wish TNT would just do the sensible thing and give Charles Barkley a talk show. He would blow George Lopez’s ass out of the water. Of course he’s funny and Lopez is just a washed up comedian.
Lopez is the worst. Chuck would probably be awful as a host but at least he'd be entertaining.
ReplyDeleteDid you go to law school with Franklin and Bash?
ReplyDeleteYes. But they were in their third year when I was in my first year so I wasn't cool enough to hang out with them.