National Enquirer
Creepy double murder acquitee OJ SIMPSON is a walking heart attack!
The disgraced football legend has packed on 50 pounds, sources say, and his family now fears that he'll die of cardiac arrest behind bars.
At 6-foot-1, the 63-year-old con weighed 225 pounds when he entered prison, but now he's ballooned to a blubbery 275 pounds by pigging out on junk food and going without exercise, a family insider told The ENQUIRER.
"O.J. is turning into a butterball," the source said. "If he doesn't go on a diet, he's going to die of a massive heart attack in jail. His kids are worried about him."
Even Simpson worries that his weight will trigger a heart attack, said another source.
"O.J. is so depressed over his weight that he can't even take care of himself," the source revealed. "He says, 'I'm a heart attack waiting to happen. When I leave here, they'll probably be taking me out in a pine box.'"
Simpson has been locked up in Lovelock Correctional Center near Reno, Nev., since December 2008, when he was sentenced to up to 33 years on charges of kidnapping, armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon.
His request for a new trial was denied in October, and he's been deeply depressed since then, said the source. Simpson is also still suffering psychological effects from being beaten unconscious by a young skinhead in a brutal prison yard attack, the source added.
Poor O.J. Talk about the pendulum swinging all the way in the opposite direction. One day you’re a Hall of Fame running back, actor and rent-a-car peddler who gets away with murder and the next day you’re in jail for 33 years for trying to steal your own memorabilia and you’re getting beat up by skinhead punks. Even Norm McDonald is starting to feel bad for this guy.
Skip to the 4:30 mark for Norm's thoughts on jailhouse O.J. Truly funny stuff and obviously ad libbed.
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