Man claims faulty drug turned him into 'gay sex addict'
By QMI Agency
Didier Jambart, a 52-year-old married father who suffers from Parkinson's disease, has accused pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline of producing a "defective" drug that turned him into a gay sex addict.
"After first taking the drugs, I was bursting with energy," the U.K.'s Daily Mail newspaper quotes Jambart. "I would get up at four in the morning and run 10.5 km, but later, it went more than too far."
Jambart said he suffered from severe depression, attempted suicide as many as eight times and became a compulsive gay sex addict. He says he exposed himself on the Internet and was raped because of his dangerous sexual encounters.
While the company denies any wrongdoing, a French patient group says it has been contacted by 100 other people who have suffered similar side-effects.
The crux of Jambart's case is he began taking the medication in 2005, but GlaxoSmithKline didn't including a warning against strange side-effects on the package until 2006.
The Daily Mail previously reported that Peter Shepherd, a British IT manager, underwent a similarly dramatic personality change in 2001 when he began taking another kind of Parkinson's medication. In that case, Shepherd became a sex-crazed transvestite and spent more than $600,000 on a "luxury lifestyle."
None of the allegations have been proven in court. A ruling in Jambart's case is expected this week.
Whoa! This just goes to show you what kind of wacky stuff can happen in a lab. Scientists trying to make a better blood pressure drug inadvertently made Viagra and now lab coats trying to help Parkinson’s patients have unwittingly made them into sex crazed homosexuals and transvestites. What’s particularly of interest in this story is how the drug changed this guy’s sexual preference. I’ve heard of drugs making people hypersexual before but they didn’t usually change teams.
If this is true this drug is going to do for creepers in the gay community what roofies did for date rapists. I didn’t really need a reason not to go to a gay bar but getting this pill slipped in my drink is icing on that cake.
P.S. - Just imagine the side effects description for this drug in a TV ad. They'd have to get the Micro Machines guy to get those tidbits glossed over.
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