PETA plans protest at Texas Tech
An animal-rights group plans next week to protest the use of live cats in Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center training, one of its research associates told The Avalanche-Journal this morning.
The protest is supposed to be held from noon to 1 p.m. at the corner of University Avenue and Broadway on May 28, Ian Smith, a research associate with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals informed The A-J.
TTUHSC students use cats from the Odessa Animal Shelter to practice inserting breathing tubes and performing needle biopsies, methods that first responders would use to save infants and small children, according to TTUHSC officials. The cats are anesthesized during the training and then euthanized afterward, the officials said.
PETA officials say using cats in this type of training is inhumane and outdated. Human-like manikins could be used for the training, say PETA officials, who last week asked the USDA to investigate the center’s use of cats.
So TTUHSC gets its cats from the Odessa animal shelter eh? I knew the animal control people in O-Town were a little overzealous for a reason. I tell you what, Muff better watch her attitude or I'll give her to science. 21 years in the family doesn't buy any leniency from me...I'd do the same to my brother.
Also, doesn't PETA have anything else going on? I mean the economy is wrecked. I'm almost sure they should be working instead of bemoaning the treatment of Odessa's stray cat population.
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