Pilot's License Revoked Over Sky Sex
LOS ANGELES (May 12)- A helicopter pilot who was videotaped receiving oral sex from a woman as he flew her around San Diego acted so recklessly that his license must be revoked, the National Transportation Safety Board said.
The actions of David Martz were so dangerous, the NTSB concluded in a written ruling, that they put the lives of everyone on his aircraft and on the ground below him in danger.
The agency's ruling, reached last week in Washington, D.C., was released Tuesday and upholds previous actions revoking Martz's pilot's license by the Federal Aviation Administration and an administrative law judge.
FAA spokesman Ian Gregor said Tuesday that Martz can appeal the NTSB decision in federal court or he can wait and apply to have his license reinstated in one year. Martz's attorney did not immediately return a call for comment. A call to Martz rang unanswered.
The incident that cost the pilot his license occurred on May 29, 2005, but action wasn't taken until earlier this year after the video surfaced on the Internet.
In rejecting his appeal, the NTSB said both Martz and the woman unfastened their safety restraints during the flight and that her body blocked his access to controls vital to operating the aircraft in an emergency.
"During substantial portions of the flight in question, it appears to this board that the flight was but a single misstep from disaster," the agency concluded.
I've always thought the air was a but too stuffy. I mean, sure its high risk, dangerous and the scene of some horrific experiences but who says you can't change the tone with a little in-air felatio. If you ask me Mr. Martz was just trying to keep his focus with a little air fun. Hey, it worked for Clinton!
P.S. - There was a poll below this story that asked 'Have you ever done anything like this?'. Yeah, getting some dome in a helicopter is my average Tuesday.
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