Today’s top trending topic is Patricia Heaton (it’s okay if you don’t know who she is) who is again trying to promote herself with her faith and telling anyone who’ll listen how discriminated against she’s been in Hollywood.
Heaton, one of the stars of ABC’s ‘The Middle’ and Debra from ‘Everybody Loves Raymond’ first made headlines for this some years back when she complained that she had trouble finding a job after ‘Raymond’ wrapped because of her conservative Christian beliefs. But she did find a job as a fake newscaster on FOX’s ‘Back to You,’ a short lived sitcom that made most of FOX News’ loony talking heads look polished by comparison.
After ‘Back to You’ failed to impress any of you she landed another gig in ‘The Middle.’ So, last time I checked this broad has landed two sitcom gigs in the last five years and yet she still thinks she’s discriminated against?
Look honey, you’re not being punished for your politics. Mel Gibson is being punished for his politics…and beating his ex-wife. You’re just not that good.
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