When you’re an irresponsible college student the world is your oyster. You get to drink, have promiscuous sex, do drugs and all you have to do to keep leaving this dream is show up to a room a few times a week and not fall asleep (and sometimes that isn’t even necessary). It seems like reward enough but not at Colorado where today marks the day when students wag their finger at the establishment and smoke pot openly on campus.
That’s right, its 4/20 again and it’s time for the country’s biggest smoke out this side of Willie Nelson’s tour bus.
Last year an estimated 10,000 students lit up at CU’s Farrand Field and with medical marijuana dispensaries opening up by the dozens in the area the number is sure to grow.
It is of course still illegal to smoke pot in public and police will issue summons during the event but it’s impossible to stop 10,000 people from doing anything. Just look at the Tea Party. But the cops will have some attempts at curtailing the crowd.
“Over the years, officials have tried different strategies to snuff out the gathering on the Boulder campus. They've turned on the sprinklers. They've sent students into the crowd to take photos of pot smokers, then posted them online and paid people who could identify them. They've even tried putting down a fertilizer that smelled like fish, but it didn't deter crowds."
There is no word on what cops will try this year, as the police commander said he wouldn’t “give (his) playbook to the other team before the game” but if that fish fertilizer didn’t work I don’t know what will. Of course, compared to CU potheads who haven’t showered in a week fish doesn’t sound half bad.
So rejoice potheads. Today is your day.
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