Politician offers drive-through service
Associated Press
SCRANTON, Pa. — A politician in northeastern Pennsylvania has been getting some ribbing from his colleagues for it, but he says having a drive-through window at his office is working great.
State Rep. Kevin Murphy says his office in Scranton has the drive-through to make it easier for his constituents to see him. He says senior citizens, the disabled and those who have children in the car especially like the convenience of not having to walk into the office to drop off or pick up paperwork.
The first-term Democrat says he personally staffs the drive-through most Thursdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
This has bad idea written all over it. Do you think people are really responsible enough not to take advantage of this situation? Cmon, this is the same country that gave us a 6,000 calorie salad and Larry the Cable Guy. This guy is going to have to put up with fast food pranks, bank teller pranks and someone is even probably going to throw eggs or something at the window.
Not to mention the old people who are going to go by there constantly just to talk. They're lonely and they won't mind telling the local comptroller all about it.
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